We present a short discussion of the Neutrino-4 experimental results and the results of other experiments searching for the sterile neutrino. We estimated the contribution of the sterile neutrino with parameters $\Delta m^2_{14} \approx 7.3 \text{eV}^2$ and $\sin^22\theta_{14} \approx 0.36$ obtained in the Neutrino-4 experiment to the energy density of the Universe. We address the...
Industrial Detector of REactor Antineutrinos for Monitoring (iDREAM) is a prototype detector designed to demonstrate the feasibility of antineutrino detectors for remote reactor monitoring and safeguard purposes. The 1 ton Gd-doped liquid scintillator detector is mounted in the Kalinin nuclear power plant (Russia), 20 m from the 3 GW$_{th}$ VVER type commercial reactor. Antineutrinos are...
In measurements with intense artificial sources of monochromatic neutrinos on gallium targets, a capture rate equal to 0.80 ± 0.05 of the expected was obtained. The measured lack of capture rate is known as the gallium anomaly (GA). Neutrino oscillation transitions with large values of the parameter Δm2 (~ 1 eV2) are considered a possible cause of GA. In the proposed BEST-2 experiment, the GA...
The $\nu$GeN experiment is aimed to study neutrino scattering at the close vicinity of the reactor core of Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant (KNPP) at Udomlya, Russia. Its main interests are connected with the detection of coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CE$\nu$NS), the search for the magnetic moment of neutrino and other rare processes. The experimental setup is constructed under...
The RED-100 two-phase emission detector with 200 kg of liquid xenon as a working medium was exhibited at a distance of 19 m from the core of the VVER-1000/320 nuclear power reactor at the 4th power unit of the Kalinin NPP in 2021-2022. Due to its high sensitivity to weak ionization signals (down to single electrons), the RED-100 detector was used to observe elastic coherent scattering of...
The search for neutrinoenter code hereless double $\beta$-decay, in particular double K-capture, is of great importance. Confirmation of its existence would mean that the neutrino is Majorana particle. The investigation of this process provides one of the best opportunities to study physics beyond the Standard Model. The double electron capture process 2EC2$\nu$ was experimentally discovered...
The LEGEND experiment is designed to search for neutrinoless double beta decay of Ge-76. Its first stage, LEGEND-200, is located at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS, Italy). About 200 kg of germanium detectors isotopically enriched in Ge-76 are going to be immersed in liquid argon (LAr) cryostat together with the LAr instrumentation system. The LEGEND-200 goal is to improve the...
AMoRE (Advanced Mo based Rare process Experiment) is an international collaboration searching for the neutrinoless double beta decay of 100Mo using scintillating molybdate crystals with metallic magnetic calorimeters as low temperature sensors. AMoRE-I, as the first phase experiment with 6,2 kg of the calcium and lithium molybdate crystals, has been installed at the Yangyang underground...
At the beginning of 2021, the project of the SND@LHC experiment was adopted by CERN - this is a compact experiment designed to study all three neutrino flavors and search for weakly interacting particles at the LHC in the pseudorapidity range of $7.2<\eta<8.6$, inaccessible to other experiments at the LHC. The detector is capable of detecting particles of light dark matter scattered by target...
Specialized muon neutrino beams at high-energy proton accelerators are produced as tertiary particles from $\pi^\pm,K^\pm \rightarrow \mu^\pm + \nu_\mu(\widetilde \nu_\mu)$ decays. The neutrino channel itself generally consists of a focusing system that forms $\pi,K$ mesons beams at the required momentum and angular intervals and a free decay section ending by hadronic and muon absorbers.
Momentum of an interacting neutrino is known with a poor accuracy in accelerator-based neutrino experiments. The type and chirality of neutrino interacting in the detector are also often not exactly known in these experiments. These problems could be solved by using a new experimental method called neutrino tagging. The method consists in exploiting the kinematics of the neutrino production...
The creation of the artificial MeV-energy electron antineutrino sources moves forward the serious demands for used isotopes and nuclear reactions for realization of the task: well defined and hard neutrino spectrum (taking in mind the proportionality of the cross section to square energy); availability and purity of the chosen isotope. The Li-7 (92.5% in the natural lithium) isotope fully...
CNO cycle of thermonuclear reactions is one of the two main energy production mechanisms in the main sequence stars, dominant in those heavier than the Sun.
In the context of solar physics, despite its minor role in the energy production, the CNO cycle is of a particular interest for it is directly related to the abundance of heavy elements in the solar core.
The Borexino experiment provided...
NOvA is currently operating 2nd generation long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment, based on NuMI complex at Fermilab (USA), having two large highly-segmented liquid scintillator detectors it has precise capability to measure neutrino’s and many other particle physics aspects. During the last several years NOvA have got and published important results on neutrino oscillation properties...
The neutrino propagation and oscillations in various gravitational fields are studied. First, we consider the neutrino scattering off a rotating black hole accounting for the neutrino spin precession. Then, we study the evolution of flavor neutrinos, emitted in a supernova explosion, in stochastic gravitational waves. The astrophysical applications of the obtained results are...
In the CDM universe, the Hubble constant is the only cosmological parameter that can be measured both locally and indirectly by traditional cosmological methods like the CMB, baryon acoustic oscillations, supernovae, and big-bang nucleosynthesis. It is also simple to comprehend, and because the error bars are getting so narrow, the CDM model truly depends on it. Everyone awoke as a result of...
The seesaw mechanism is a popular approach to give a viable explanation for the source of non-zero neutrino mass and for the cause of matter dominance of the Universe - two of the most important open problems that could not be answered in the Standard Model (SM) of Particle Physics. A minimal extension of the SM is studied, incorporating a type-I+II seesaw mechanism with only one right-handed...
This work presents the charge-exchange strength functions S(E) of isotopes 128,130Te. Both experimental data on the S(E) charge-exchange strength functions obtained in (3He, t) reactions and the S(E) strength functions calculated in the microscopic theory of finite fermi-systems are analyzed. The resonance structure of the strength function S(E) is investigated, and the Gamow-Teller and Pygmy...