10-14 October 2016
Milan Hotel
Europe/Moscow timezone

Mathematical modeling of the radiation environment sensor based on diamond detectors

13 Oct 2016, 15:15
Hall of the 2nd floor (Milan Hotel)

Hall of the 2nd floor

Milan Hotel

Shipilovskaya Street, 28A, Moscow, Russia, 115563
Poster Methods of experimental physics Poster session - IV


Mr. Kirill Zaharchenko (Industrial - Technology Center "UralAlmazInvest", Ivano-Franko street, Moscow, 121108, Russia)


The physical and mathematical model of the radiation situation in the diamond sensor detector was developed. Count rates of the particle sensors were measured in the registration of a monoenergetic electron and proton radiation. The simulation of the sensor data was made for simultaneously iradiation by electrons and protons with spectral characteristics, that were corresponded to cosmic spectra. It is shown that structure of data, that were measured with sensors, let effectively separate signals from electronic and proton cosmic radiation component.

Primary authors

Mr. Evgeny Gladchenkov (Industrial - Technology Center "UralAlmazInvest", Ivano-Franko street, Moscow, 121108, Russia) Mr. Evgeny Tyurin (National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”) Mr. Kirill Zaharchenko (Industrial - Technology Center "UralAlmazInvest", Ivano-Franko street, Moscow, 121108, Russia) Mr. Pavel Nedosekin (Industrial - Technology Center "UralAlmazInvest", Ivano-Franko street, Moscow, 121108, Russia) Mr. Renat Ibragimov (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)) Mr. Vladimir Kolyubin (Industrial - Technology Center "UralAlmazInvest", Ivano-Franko street, Moscow, 121108, Russia)

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