Nikita Egorov
The remote gamma-spectrometry application for large areas radiation car survey.
V.V.Drovnikov, N.J.Egorov, V.M.Zhivun, A.V.Kadushkin, V.V.Kovalenko
National research nuclear university MEPhI
The remote gamma-spectrometry technology was developed for large areas radiation car survey. The experimental data set used is the following: start time, stop time, live time and geographical coordinates for each spectrum measured, corresponding spectrum. No priory information about the characteristics of the gamma-emitting sources and radiation background on survey territory is used. The technology developed make it feasible to spot and identify gamma-emitting sources on large territory when the car is moving including the significant radiation background variations conditions. The experimental results are presented. The sensitivity of the methods developed is compared with other data processing methods sensitivities.
Primary author
Nikita Egorov