10-14 October 2016
Milan Hotel
Europe/Moscow timezone

CP-sensitive observables of a hypothetical heavy spin-0 particle with the dominant $\gamma\gamma$ and $Z\gamma$-interaction.

10 Oct 2016, 15:15
Hall of the 2nd floor (Milan Hotel)

Hall of the 2nd floor

Milan Hotel

Shipilovskaya Street, 28A, Moscow, Russia, 115563
Poster Nuclear physics and particle physics Poster session - I


Mr. Nikita Belyaev (NRNU MEPhI)


We study observables sensitive to tensor structure of interactions of a hypothetical heavy spin-0 boson. It is assumed that interactions of this particle are dominated by interactions with photons. The interactions with other vector bosons and quarks are supposed to be suppressed. The above assumptions favor the production of this hypothetical particle through the vector boson fusion mechanism structurally dominated by the photon and Z-interactions. This particle will be produced in association with two light quarks. It is shown that the azimuthal angle difference between the tagging jets provides an observable to probe the tensor structure of the interaction vertices of such hypothetical particle.

Primary authors

Prof. Kirill Prokofiev (HKUST) Mr. Nikita Belyaev (NRNU MEPhI) Prof. Rostislav Konoplich (NYU)

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