Oleg Likiy
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
13/10/2016, 15:45
The features of organization, operation principle and characteristics of the data acquisition system of a new cluster type shower array NEVOD-EAS which is being created in MEPhI (Moscow, Russia) are discussed. The main structural element of the setup is a cluster of scintillation detector stations (DS). Each cluster includes 4 DS consisting of 4 scintillation counters of the EAS...
Ivan Shulzhenko
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
13/10/2016, 16:00
In 2015-2016 in MEPhI (Moscow, Russia) on the basis of the Scientific and Educational Center NEVOD the central part of a new cluster type array NEVOD-EAS for the determination of size, arrival direction, axis position of extensive air showers with energies of 10^15 – 10^17 eV was created and launched. Central part of the setup includes 4 clusters of scintillation detector stations located...
egor zadeba
(nrnu mephi)
13/10/2016, 16:15
The large-scale coordinate-tracking detector TREK for registration of inclined EAS is being developed in MEPhI. Detector is based on the multiwire drift chambers from the neutrino experiment at the IHEP U-70 accelerator, their key advantages are a large effective area (1.85 sq.m), a good coordinate and angular resolution with a small number of measuring channels. Detector will be operated as a...
Dmitry Gromushkin
13/10/2016, 16:30
Some results on the EAS neutron component measured by means of the PRISMA-32 array are presented. The array consists of 32 en-detectors capable to detect two main EAS components: electronic one consisting of charged particles, and hadronic one by measuring delayed thermal neutrons accompanying the showers. For thermal neutrons detection, we use a compound of a well-known inorganic scintillator...
Vitaliy Burtsev
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute) / MEPhI))
13/10/2016, 16:45
The detection system of the Cherenkov water detector NEVOD includes 546 photomultipliers FEU-200 (Joint-Stock Company "Ekran - Optical Systems", Novosibirsk). To control the main parameters of the PMT the monitoring procedure is conducted every 20 minutes. During monitoring gain dynode system, the linking coefficient of two linear ranges of the 12th and 9th dynodes and counting rate of noise...
Vladislav Vorobyev
13/10/2016, 17:00
The detector based on the drift chambers for registration of inclined EAS is being developed in the MEPhI. One of the key characteristic of inclined EAS is multiplicity of muon bundles. Numerical simulation and simulation by Geant4 were performed to study drift chamber abilities for event multiplicity definition. Three methods were developed to reconstruct particle tracks: enumeration, search...
Alexander Shikhin
13/10/2016, 17:15
Registration systems of rare events from $^{71}$Ge decay in radiochemical gallium experiments SAGE and BEST are presented, where miniature proportional counters are used as detectors. The registration of the events is provided by eight counting channels simultaneously in the energy range of 0.4-15 keV which includes the $^{71}$Ge decays in the region of the L and K peaks with total efficiency...
Vladimir Kazalov
13/10/2016, 17:30
Response function simulation using Geant 4 for the detector based on NaI
crystal of complex shape in registration systems for SAGE and BEST
experiments is presented. Cylindric NaI crystal has a large well for
placing up to eight proportional counters. The detector is using as
anti-coincidence shield for counters and an instrument for detail analysis
of different gamma-rays sources. The...
Natalia Barbashina
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
13/10/2016, 17:45
Muon hodoscope URAGAN detects the flux of cosmic ray muons on the Earth’s surface simultaneously from various directions (hodoscopic mode). This allows studies of the energy, angular and spatial-temporal characteristics of variations of the cosmic ray muon flux during Forbush decreases (FD). These characteristics are obtained for the FDs detected in the period from 2006 to 2014. The results of...