Nikita Egorov
14/10/2016, 15:45
The remote gamma-spectrometry application for large areas radiation car survey.
V.V.Drovnikov, N.J.Egorov, V.M.Zhivun, A.V.Kadushkin, V.V.Kovalenko
National research nuclear university MEPhI
The remote gamma-spectrometry technology was developed for large areas radiation car survey. The experimental data set used is the following: start time, stop time, live time and geographical...
Yury Trofimov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPHI)
14/10/2016, 16:15
GRIS (Gamma and Roentgen radiation of the Sun) is a prospective hard X-ray and gamma-ray spectrometer of solar flares with the energy range from 50 keV to 200 MeV. It is also designed for registration of high energy neutron fluxes (>30 MeV). The apparatus will be mounted on an oriented platform outside the Russian Orbital Segment of the International Space Station. The instrument includes two...
Pavel Lyanko
(Mission Control Centre)
14/10/2016, 16:30
1. Overview of the group of satellites with nuclear reactors on board
2. Ballistic scheme of the inspection of space objects with maneuvering apparatus using gamma-ray spectrometers
3. Methods of determining the optimal solution when designing the orbits of maneuvering apparatus
4. The algorithm for solving the problem of inspection in the interaction with the ground control centre
Olesya Falomkina
(Lomonosov MSU)
14/10/2016, 16:45
At the previous International conference on particle physics and astrophysics (2015) we presented the report ''Estimation of reliability of linear point structures revealed in two-dimensional distributions of experimental data" [O.V. Falomkina, Yu. V. Pyatkov, et al., Estimation of reliability of linear point structures revealed in two-dimensional distributions of experimental data.// JPCS —...
Valentin Nikitaev
14/10/2016, 17:00
Nikitaev V.G.
National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (NRNU MEPhI)
Russia, 115409, Moscow, Kashirskoe shosse, 31
Problems of methodology development for image recognition in modern intellectual systems of clinical malignant tumor diagnostics are being considered. Morphologic (histologic, cytologic) diagnostics, which is the basic type of medical diagnostics to diagnose cancer, is...
Sergey Ulin
14/10/2016, 17:30
S.E. Ulin, K.F. Vlasik, V.M.Grachev, V.V. Dmitrenko, A.S. Novikov,
Z.M. Uteshev, A.E. Shustov, D.V.,I.V.Chernishova.
National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (NRNU MEPhI)
Russia, 115409, Moscow, Kashirskoe shosse, 31
Description of the measuring complex for detection of radioactive waste near the Earth cosmic space is presented. Complex consists of several xenon gamma-ray...