Alexander Krassilchtchikov
(A.F. Ioffe Institute for Physics and Technology)
11/10/2016, 13:30
The results of simultaneous imaging of the Crab Nebula in the radio (JVLA),
optical (HST ACS and WFC3), and X-ray (Chandra) bands are presented.
The images show a variety of small-scale emitting structures, including wisps
mainly located to the north-west of the pulsar and knots forming a ring-like structure
usually associated with the termination shock of the pulsar wind.
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
11/10/2016, 13:45
Usually two GRBs groups separated in duration distribution: short and long. These types events classified due analysis of duration of interval which the integrated counts from the GRB raise from $5\%$ to $95\%$ ($t_{90}$). The value $t_{90}~\sim~2$s used as boundary between short and long events. Firstly GRB duration distribution was analysed on data of BATSE experiment onboard the (CGRO)...
Ilya Kalashnikov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
11/10/2016, 14:00
One of the most interesting properties of astrophysical jets is that they propagates along the axis of rotation of the accretion disk on the distances, which are many times greater than its diameter.
Using $Z$-Pinch facilities for laboratory simulation of astrophysical jets seems very logical. The Plasma focus is supposed to be a very suitable device for simulation of astrophysical jets....
Ivan Astapov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
11/10/2016, 14:15
Coronal mass ejections (CME) have an impact on the flux of cosmic rays that penetrate the space around us. Unlike most ground-based cosmic ray detectors, muon hodoscope URAGAN (MEPhI) allows to investigate both the integrated counting rate of registered particles and the spatial and angular characteristics of the muon flux at the ground level. This approach to particle detection allows to fix...
Elena Yakovleva
(National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI))
11/10/2016, 14:30
Muon hodoscope URAGAN operates in MEPhI since 2006 and allows to register muons at various zenith angles. In this work, the experimentally obtained temporal changes of the index of amplitude spectrum of Forbush decreases registered by muon hodoscope URAGAN are studied. To obtain the Forbush decrease amplitude energy spectrum in the flux of muons, the calculated coupling functions of primary...