10-14 October 2016
Milan Hotel
Europe/Moscow timezone

Multichannel clinic dosimeter for the multiparameter direct control system of absorbed dose in areas of medical interest.

14 Oct 2016, 15:15
Hall of the 2nd floor (Milan Hotel)

Hall of the 2nd floor

Milan Hotel

Shipilovskaya Street, 28A, Moscow, Russia, 115563
Poster Methods of experimental physics Poster session - VI


Mr. Igor Abalakin (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI) Prof. Valeriy Samosadny (National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI")


Literature research shows, that plastic scintillator detectors, including their compact modifications, provide most optimal characteristics for the purpose of radiotherapy. These detectors can be used not only for in-vivo on-line dosimetry, but also in phantom tests during dosimetric planning systems and brachytherapy apparatus testing. Multichannel clinic dosimeter MKD-04 and several detectors using 1mm BSF-10 scintillator fiber have been designed. The detectors have 3.2 mm and 4 mm sensitive area diameters. MKD-04 dosimeter provides dose rate measurement from 10 up to 5000 mGy/min. Some successful tests for the certification on the type of measuring instruments have been conducted. Clinical trials have been carried out on human phantoms using brachytherapy devices Agat-VT (Co-60), ROCUS-AM and Selectron (Ir-192).

Primary authors

Mr. Alexander Sumin (Scientific research Institute of technical physics and automation) Mr. Andrey Medvedkov (Scientific research Institute of technical physics and automation) Mr. Evgeniy Skachkov (Scientific research Institute of technical physics and automation) Mr. Igor Abalakin (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI) Mrs. Marina Smirnova (Scientific research Institute of technical physics and automation) Mr. Sergey Koloskov (Scientific research Institute of technical physics and automation) Prof. Vera Titova (Russian Scientific Center of Roentgenology and Radiology)


Prof. Alexander Chernyaev (Moscow State University) Prof. Valeriy Samosadny (National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI")

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