10-14 October 2016
Milan Hotel
Europe/Moscow timezone

The structure, logic of operation and distinctive features of the system of triggers and counting signals formation for gamma-telescope GAMMA-400

13 Oct 2016, 17:15
Verdi (Milan Hotel)


Milan Hotel

Shipilovskaya Street, 28A, Moscow, Russia, 115563
Plenary/section talk Cosmic rays Cosmic rays - parallel VI


Mr. Andrey Arkhangelskiy (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))


Scientific project GAMMA-400 (Gamma-Astronomy Multifunction Modules Apparatus) relates to the new generation of space observatories for investigation of cosmic gamma-emission in the energy band from $\sim~{20}$ MeV up to several TeV, electron/positron fluxes from $\sim~{1}$ GeV up to $\sim~{10}$ TeV and cosmic-ray nuclei fluxes with energies up to $\sim~{10}^{15}$ eV in the main aperture by means of GAMMA-400 gamma-telescope represents the core of the scientific complex. For gamma-rays in the energy region from 10 to 100 GeV expected energy resolution changes from $\sim~2\%$ to $\sim~1\%$ and angular resolution from $\sim~0.1\%$ to $\sim~0.01\%$ respectively, electron/protons rejection factor is $\sim~{5}•{10}^{5}$. The GAMMA-400 satellite will be launched on the high apogee orbit with following initial parameters: apogee altitude $\sim~300000$ km, perigee altitude $\sim~500$ km, rotation period $\sim~7$ days, inclination to the equator plane $\sim{51}^{o}$. The active functioning interval will be 5-10 years. The system of triggers and counting signals formation represents the electronic system consists of control and interface unit, set of program controlled digital delay lines, counters and units for master triggers signals formation from any combination of input digital and analogue pulses from detecting subsystems of gamma-telescope. The structure, logic of operation and distinctive features of the system are presented.

Primary author

Mr. Andrey Arkhangelskiy (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))


Prof. Arkady Galper (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)) Mrs. Irene ARKHANGELSKAJA (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)) Mr. Maxim KHEYMITS (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)) Dr. Nikolay Topchiev (Lebedev Physical Institute) Dr. Sergey Suchkov (Lebedev Physical Institute) Dr. Yury YURKIN (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))

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