Alexander Isayev
(Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology)
14/10/2016, 13:15
Nuclear physics and particle physics
Plenary/section talk
Thermodynamic properties of strange quark matter (SQM) in a
nonuniform magnetic field are studied within the phenomenological
MIT bag model under the charge neutrality and beta equilibrium
conditions, relevant to the interior of strange quark stars. The
spatial dependence of the magnetic field strength is modeled by the
dependence on the baryon chemical potential. The total...
Maxim Dvornikov
(Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radiowave Propagation (IZMIRAN))
14/10/2016, 13:35
Nuclear physics and particle physics
Plenary/section talk
We study the generation of strong large scale magnetic fields in dense quark matter. The magnetic field growth is owing to the magnetic field instability driven by the electroweak interaction of quarks. We discuss the situation when the chiral symmetry is unbroken in the degenerate quark matter. In this case we predict the amplification of the seed magnetic field $10^{12}$ G to the strengths...
Olga Solovjeva
(NRC "Kurchatov Institute" SSC RF Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics & National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”)
14/10/2016, 13:55
Nuclear physics and particle physics
Plenary/section talk
We have explored ground state energies of the light vector mesons on the base of the SU(3) lattice gauge theory. This study was performed without dynamical quarks. We have observed the energies spliting depending on the value of the spin projections on an external magnetic field. The ground state energy of neutral mesons with the zero spin projection diminishes with the increase of the field,...
Vitalii Okorokov
(National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI")
14/10/2016, 14:15
Nuclear physics and particle physics
Plenary/section talk
A multi-particle Bose–Einstein symmetrization can enhance the emission of pions and as consequence can lead to the creation of pion lasers in strong interactions at high energies. Onset of the Bose–Einstein condensation is driven by the critical space density of charged secondary bosons which are mostly pions. The energy dependence of space pion density at freeze-out and its critical value,...
Konstantin Maslov
(National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI")
14/10/2016, 14:35
Nuclear physics and particle physics
Plenary/section talk
Knowledge of the equation of state of baryon matter at large densities plays a decisive role in description of neutron star interiors. With an increase of the baryon density filling of the Fermi seas of the hyperons and delta-isobars becomes possible. The inclusion of the hyperons and delta resonances into standard relativistic mean-field models results in a strong softening of the equation...
Tatiana Lazareva
(Saint-Petersburg State University)
14/10/2016, 14:55
Methods of experimental physics
Plenary/section talk
The increase of luminosity of the SPS beams expected after 2020
allows to consider the investigations of rather rare processes. In particular,
a so-called cumulative particle production can be studied in hadron collisions by measurements of secondary particle yields in the kinematically forbidden region. It could be considered either as a result
of hard parton collisions with some large...