Update: proceedings of the Conference were published. Please use the following links to access them: link 1, link 2. If you have any questions, please, write us: icppa2018@mephi.ru
Copies of the presentations of all talks will be available on the conference webpage. Proceedings of the Conference will be published in the Journal of Physics: Conference Series and on the KnowledgeE Publishing Platform.
The deadline for proceedings submission is November 10, 2017. Earlier submission is welcome! Please send the paper draft to icppa2017@mephi.ru with both pdf and tex/word versions. Plenary talks: up to 8 pages, section talks – up to 5 pages and posters up to 4 pages. Plots should be inserted at an appropriate place inside the draft (not at the end). Acceptable formats for graphs and plots are jpeg,png,pdf,eps.
Instructions for the authors could be found in the conference material. Please note that papers from the sections "Nuclear Physics" and "Heavy Ion Physics" will be published on the KnE Publishing Platform and corresponding paper drafts can also be prepared, using Journal of Physics: Conference Series templates (for additional information see Knowledge E’s guidelines).
Organizing Committee wishes to draw attention to the fact that by submitting a paper for publication in the Journal of Physics: Conference Series an author is assumed to accept the terms of the Proceedings Publication Licence.