5-10 October 2015
Milan Hotel 4*
Europe/Moscow timezone

The segmented neutrino detector

6 Oct 2015, 14:30
Milan Hotel 4*

Milan Hotel 4*

Milan Hotel 4*, Shipilovskaya Street, 28A, Moscow, Russia, 115563
Nuclear physics and particle physics Poster Session I


Mr. Aleksanrd Mefodiev (INR RAS)


Under the project Advanced European Infrastructures for Detectors at Accelerators (AIDA) Institute of Nuclear Research (INR) designed and tested Totally Active Scintillator Detector (TASD). The TASD detector consists of 50 modules of plastic scintillators. Each module is instrumented with one X and one Y plane, with 86 scintillator bars per plane. The bar width, height and length are 1.0 cm, 0.7 cm and 90 cm respectively. The distance between modules can be varied from 0 to 2.5 cm. Other components such as active detectors or passive sheets of material can be inserted in these 2.5 cm gaps if required. The full detector depth can therefore be varied from 75 cm to 200 cm and in its compact form, it is 1 m3 in volume.
Presentation type Poster

Primary author

Mr. Aleksanrd Mefodiev (INR RAS)


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