5-10 October 2015
Milan Hotel 4*
Europe/Moscow timezone

A study of the scintillator screen-based neutron detector.

6 Oct 2015, 15:30
Bellini (Milan Hotel 4*)


Milan Hotel 4*

Milan Hotel 4*, Shipilovskaya Street, 28A, Moscow, Russia, 115563
Methods of experimental physics Methods of experimental physics - parallel II


Mr. Anton Taraskin (NRNU MEPHI)


This article describes the neutron detector based on a ZnS(Ag)/6LiF scintillator screen. The detector was designed for a purpose of astrophysical experiments. Light collection is performed via low-opacity polystyrene layer coupled with a PMT. The work includes numerical simulation data and experimental results obtained for MeV neutron fluxes.
Presentation type Poster

Primary author

Mr. Vladimir Kadilin (NRNU MEPHI)


Mr. Andrey Kaplun (NRNU MEPHI) Mr. Anton Taraskin (NRNU MEPHI) Mr. Evgeny Turin (NRNU MEPHI) Mr. Grigory Dedenko (NRNU MEPHI) Mr. Renat Ibragimov (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)) Mr. Rushan Zaripov (NRNU MEPHI) Mr. Vladimir Idalov (NRNU MEPHI)

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