5-10 October 2015
Milan Hotel 4*
Europe/Moscow timezone

LaBr3(Ce) gamma-ray detector for neutron capture therapy

10 Oct 2015, 09:30
Milan Hotel 4*

Milan Hotel 4*

Milan Hotel 4*, Shipilovskaya Street, 28A, Moscow, Russia, 115563
Methods of experimental physics Poster session V


Ms. Marina Smirnova (NRNU MEPhI)


Results of developing of a gamma-ray detector based on LaBr3(Ce) scintillation crystal for neutron capture therapy are presented. A energy resolution of the detector measured by photomultiplier tube Hamamatsu R6233-100 is showed. It was 2,9% for gamma line 662 keV from a source 137Cs. For radiative capture gamma line of isotope 10В (478 keV) and annihilation line (511 keV) the value was 3,3 and 3,4 %, respectively. Data analysis of gamma spectra for an estimation of energy resolution threshold the required for visual identification gamma lines 478 keV and 511 keV was made.
Presentation type Poster

Primary author

Ms. Marina Smirnova (NRNU MEPhI)


Mr. Alexander Novikov (NRNU MEPhI) Mr. Alexander Shustov (NRNU MEPhI) Mr. Andrey Galavanov (NRNU MEPhI) Mr. Denis Petrenko (NRNU MEPhI) Mr. Eugene Shmanin (NRNU MEPhI) Dr. Konstantin Vlasik (NRNU MEPhI) Prof. Sergey Ulin (NRNU MEPhI) Prof. Valery Dmitrenko (NRNU MEPhI) Dr. Ziyaetdin Uteshev (NRNU MEPhI)

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