5-10 October 2015
Milan Hotel 4*
Europe/Moscow timezone

High-voltage power supply with improved reliability for xenon gamma-ray spectrometer

10 Oct 2015, 09:30
Milan Hotel 4*

Milan Hotel 4*

Milan Hotel 4*, Shipilovskaya Street, 28A, Moscow, Russia, 115563
Methods of experimental physics Poster session V


Mr. Denis Petrenko (NRNU MEPhI)


High voltage supply for xenon gamma spectrometer was considered. Design of a heat-stable high voltage supply is shown. The developed high voltage supply and breadboard model were compared in terms of time analysis.
Presentation type Poster

Primary author

Mr. Denis Petrenko (NRNU MEPhI)


Mr. Alexander Novikov (NRNU MEPhI) Mr. Alexander Shustov (NRNU MEPhI) Dr. Konstantin Vlasik (NRNU MEPhI) Prof. Sergey Ulin (NRNU MEPhI) Prof. Valery Dmitrenko (NRNU MEPhI) Dr. Ziyaetdin Uteshev (NRNU MEPhI)

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