Ksenia Kaportseva
08/10/2015, 15:00
Cosmic rays
Review presented of recent publications about experimental data, theoretical models and interpretations. The sources of electrons in the heliosphere are numerous and mainly related to the Sun, Interpalanetary and interstellar medium, planets and other astrophysical objects. The energy spectra of electrons from thermal to highest energies are composed from different components due to transport...
08/10/2015, 15:15
Leonid Lazutin
08/10/2015, 15:30
Cosmic rays
Dynamics of the latitudinal profiles penetrating into magnetosphere solar protons is studied using particle spectrometer data on board of the low latitude polar satellite CORONAS-F. Formations of several different types of the profiles during magnetic storms are considered.
08/10/2015, 15:45
Cosmic rays
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
08/10/2015, 16:00
Cosmic rays
The gamma-ray background physical origin for low altitude orbits defined by:ndiffuse cosmic gamma-emission, atmospheric gamma-rays, gamma-emission formed in interactions of charged particles (both prompt or activation) and transient events such as electrons precipitations and solar flares. The background conditions in the energy range from 0.1 MeV up to several MeV for low and high inclination...
Irina Knyazeva
(Pulkovo Observatory)
08/10/2015, 16:15
Cosmic rays
08/10/2015, 16:30