Alain Blondel
(University of Geneva)
Yury Kudenko
08/10/2015, 08:00
Nuclear physics and particle physics
New results obtained with reactor, accelerator and atmospheric neutrinos will be presented. An emphasis will be put on recent measurements of muon anti-neutrino oscillations in the T2K experiment and first results obtained in the Nova experiment. The status of the search for CP violation in neutrino oscillations will be discussed. Future long baseline neutrino experiments will be also briefly...
Cristiano Galbiati
(Princeton University)
08/10/2015, 08:30
Nuclear physics and particle physics
The DarkSide-50 dark matter detector is a two-phase argon TPC installed at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso at the center of two nested veto detectors, a 30-tonne liquid scintillator neutron veto and a 1,000-tonne water Cherenkov muon veto.
While operating in 2014 with a fill of argon extracted from the atmosphere, DarkSide-50 demonstrated its capability to operate in a background-free...
Alexander Bolozdynya
08/10/2015, 09:00
Nuclear physics and particle physics
Two-phase emission detectors using liquid xenon working medium are extremely sensitive to ionization (down to single electrons), can be very massive (in tons scale) and provide active shielding from natural radioactivity in wall-les configuration of the readout system. That is why they found their unique application in the most sensitive experiments searching for cold dark matter in the form...