Marco Pallavicini
(Universita' di Genova and INFN Genova)
06/10/2015, 15:00
Nuclear physics and particle physics
The seminar will report about the science case and the status of the SOX project, an experiment for the search of sterile neutrinos or other short distance effects with the Borexino detector. The experimental concept, the design of the source, the calorimetric measurements and the scientific sensitivity will be reported.
Mathieu Durero
(CEA Saclay, DSM/Irfu)
06/10/2015, 15:15
Nuclear physics and particle physics
The SOX project plans to deploy a radioactive antineutrino source made
from 144 Cerium at the Borexino detector. It will be produced at PA
Mayak from spent nuclear fuel. This source is a key component of the
experiment and issues several challenges due to requirements on
activity, purity and emission flux knowledge for the scientific success
of the project. Moreover handling and safety...
Lea Di Noto
(INFN Genova)
06/10/2015, 15:30
Nuclear physics and particle physics
In order to perform a resolutive measurement to clarify the neutrino anomalies and to observe possible short distance neutrino oscillations, the SOX (Short distance neutrino Oscillations with BoreXino) experiment is under construction. In the first phase, a 100 kCi 144Ce-144Pr antineutrino source will be placed under the Borexino detector at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, in center...
Konrad Altenmüller
(Technische Universität München)
06/10/2015, 15:45
Nuclear physics and particle physics
A calorimeter is being designed and constructed to measure the thermal power and thus the activity (antineutrino-generation rate) of a Cerium source for SOX with <1% accuracy. SOX aims at discovering or refuting eV-scale sterile neutrinos by searching for short-baseline oscillations of active-to-sterile neutrinos at Borexino. This talk presents the thermal model of the calorimetric...
Birgit Neumair
(Technische Universität München, James-Franck-Straße 1, 85748 Garching)
06/10/2015, 16:00
Nuclear physics and particle physics
In the last years, several neutrino oscillation experiments reported results not compatible within the 3-neutrino model, which hint at the existence of light sterile neutrinos. To test this hypothesis, the SOX (Short distance neutrino Oscillations in BoreXino) experiment will search for oscillations from active to sterile neutrinos by placing radioactive electron (anti-)neutrino sources...
Alessio Caminata
(INFN Genova)
06/10/2015, 16:15
Nuclear physics and particle physics
Borexino is an unsegmented neutrino detector operating at LNGS in central Italy. The experiment has shown its performances through its unprecedented accomplishments in the solar and geo-neutrino detection. These performances make it an ideal tool to accomplish a state-of-the-art experiment able to test the existence of a sterile neutrino (SOX experiment). For both the solar and the SOX...