Valery Sinev
(Institute for Nuclear Research RAS)
07/10/2015, 13:00
Nuclear physics and particle physics
Neutrino mixing matrix elements were discovered one by one beginning from the solar neutrinos anomaly was found and neutrino oscillation hypothesis was proposed. At the moment all elements are known excluding several complex phases. Measuring of the last mixing element $\theta_{13}$ was realized recently with three international experiments Double Chooz, RENO and Daya Bay. The highest accuracy...
Alexander Khromov
07/10/2015, 13:15
Nuclear physics and particle physics
The RED-100 (Russian Emission Detector) is being constructed for the experiment on the first observation of elastic coherent neutrino scattering off atomic nuclei. This fundamental process was predicted several decades ago by the Standard Model of electroweak interactions but has not been discovered yet. The RED-100 is an emission two-phase xenon detector containing ~200 kg of the liquid Xe (~...
Dmitry Akimov
(ITEP and MEPhI)
07/10/2015, 13:30
Nuclear physics and particle physics
A ton-scale liquid xenon two-phase emission detector for nuclear reactor monitoring is proposed. The detector operation is based on the elastic scattering off atomic nuclei of antineutrinos coming from the reactor. It is shown that a ton-scale detector is able to measure antineutrino flux from reactor with precision necessary for nuclear reactors safeguards needs.
A specific design of the...
Aldiyar Oralbaev
(NRC "Kurchatov institute")
07/10/2015, 13:45
Nuclear physics and particle physics
Prototype of industrial reactor antineutrino detector iDREAM is dedicated for an experiment to demonstrate the possibility of remote monitoring of PWR reactor operational modes by neutrino method in real-time in order to avoid undeclared exposure modes for nuclear fuel and unauthorized removal of isotopes. The prototype detector was started up in 2014. To test the detector elements and...
Tatiana Ovsiannikova
07/10/2015, 14:00
Nuclear physics and particle physics
The T2K (Tokai-to-Kamioka) is a long baseline neutrino experiment designed to study various parameters that rule neutrino oscillations, with an intense beam of muon neutrinos. A near detector complex (ND280) is used to constrain non-oscillated flux and hence predict the expected number of events in the far detector (Super-Kamiokande). The difference in the target material between the far...
Liudmila Borodikhina
(NRNU MEPhI, NRC Kurchatov Institute)
07/10/2015, 14:15
Nuclear physics and particle physics
Perspectives for the studies of diffuse supernova neutrino background (DSNB) by modern underground detectors are reviewed. DSNB neutrino fluxes, their spectra and current experimental limits on their flux are discussed.