Alexander Karelin
09/10/2015, 13:00
Cosmic rays
In the framework of the PAMELA experiment the features of the large-scale anisotropy has been measured within the energy range 1-20 TeV/n. The measurements was carried out with the use of the calorimeter on the base of the hypothesis about the existence of the dipole anisotropy. The amplitude and phase of the dipole were obtained. The results are in agreement with the ground-based...
Sergey on behalf on PAMELA collaboration Koldobskiy
09/10/2015, 13:15
Cosmic rays
In this work new measurements of reentrant albedo deuteron fluxes in the PAMELA experiment are presented. PAMELA is an international experiment aimed on measurement of cosmic ray particles in wide energy range. In particular, PAMELA detectors are able to identify deuterons. In this work the results of trajectory reconstruction analysis for reentrant deuterons are presented for particles with...
Svetlana Rodenko
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
09/10/2015, 13:30
Cosmic rays
Experimental measurements of the antiproton flux in the near Earth space are important for astrophysics, including the exploration of the hypothetical "dark" matter particle properties. From June 2006 up to the present time, the scientific experiment PAMELA on board the spacecraft Resurs-DK1 was carrying out the study the various cosmic rays components in the wide energy range. PAMELA...
Vadim Surkov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
09/10/2015, 13:45
Cosmic rays
Penetration of Schumann resonances energy from the Earth-ionosphere resonance cavity into the circumterrestrial space is examined. This study focuses on estimates of Alfvén wave amplitude and spectra in the frequency range of 7-50 Hz which can be observed by low-orbiting satellites. Differences in Schumann resonances observation conditions between the nighttime and sunlit sides of the...
Andrey Mayorov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
Anton Lukyanov
(Yaroslavl State P.G. Demidov University)
Vladislav Alekseev
(Yaroslavl State P.G. Demidov University)
Yuri Bogomolov
(Yaroslavl State P.G. Demidov University)
09/10/2015, 14:00
Cosmic rays
The sampling imaging electromagnetic calorimeter of ~ 16.3 radiation lengths and ~ 0.6 nuclear interaction length designed and constructed by the PAMELA collaboration as a part of the large magnetic spectrometer PAMELA. Calorimeter consists of 44 single-sided silicon sensor planes interleaved with 22 plates of tungsten absorber (thickness of each tungsten layer 0.26 cm). Silicon planes are...
Anastasiya Shitova
(Yaroslavl State P.G. Demidov University)
09/10/2015, 14:15
Cosmic rays
Recent experiments in high enegry cosmic ray physics, PAMELA and AMS-02, excite new interest to the mechanisms of generation of galactic antiparticles.
In spite of the fact that global picture coincides with the predictions of the standard theory, there are some black spots stimulating scientists to involve into research a particularly new physics like dark matter.
In the present work, we...