Pavel Parygin
10/10/2015, 10:00
Methods of experimental physics
Silicon photomultipliers (SiPM) are very promising semiconductor photon sensitive devices with high gain. However, the possibility of using SiPMs in some areas is limited by radiation tolerance.
Synopsys TCAD software allows simulating of microelectronic devices and their physical
Simulating of manufacturing technology of SiPMs has been made. Experimental samples...
Eugen Engelmann
(Universität der Bundeswehr München)
10/10/2015, 10:15
Methods of experimental physics
Despite several advantages of Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPM) over Photomultiplier Tubes (PMT) like the increased photon detection efficiency (PDE), the compact design and the insensitivity to magnetic fields, the dark count rate (DCR) of SiPM is still a large drawback. Especially concerning applications with the need of large photosensitive areas or applications for which cooling of the...
Pavel Buzhan
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
10/10/2015, 10:30
Methods of experimental physics
Geiger discharge for a single cell and real SiPMs for under- and oversaturation light intensities has been investigated.
It has been shown that not only signal amplitude but even signal charge rises with increasing of light intensity for single SiPM cell illuminated by high intensity light flash for constant applied overvoltage.
This effect can be explained by creation of multiple avalanche...
Dmitry Mironov
10/10/2015, 10:45
Methods of experimental physics
The scintillator tiles with direct readout by silicon photomultipliers (SiPM) have been studied. The impact of the surface in front of the SiPM on the light yield and its uniformity has been studied. The different geometries, including geometries with a dimple in front of the SiPM were studied. The tiles with the optimal dimple design show the quality of
response comparable to the tiles with...
Anastasia Berdnikova
10/10/2015, 11:00
Methods of experimental physics
The miniature gamma counter based on cylinder shape LaBr3(Ce) crystal (4 mm diameter and 10 mm length) and SensL FC30035 silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) is introduced. The main counter characteristics such as relative efficiency, energy range, LaBr3(Ce) own radioactivity and energy resolution are presented as well. Capability of using such detector for gamma spectrometry applications is discussed.
Anastasia Berdnikova
10/10/2015, 11:15
Methods of experimental physics
To determine the depth of the area of radiopharmaceutical accumulation a method of simultaneous recording of two lines of gamma rays of different energies and quantitative comparison of the intensity of these lines on the surface of the patient's body is provided. Since the coefficient of linear absorption of gamma radiation in the medium depends not only on the characteristics of the medium,...
Dmitry Philippov
10/10/2015, 11:30
Methods of experimental physics
New generation of detectors for nuclear medicine will be based on Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPM's) due to their high gain, compact size, low weight and low operating voltage. The one main problem of SiPM's is presence of noise factors such as dark count rate, crosstalk and afterpulses. In such conditions it needs to develop the algorithm of positioning reconstruction allows to reach spatial...
Evgeny Lazarenko
10/10/2015, 11:45
Methods of experimental physics
The utilization of silicon photomultipliers (SiPM) in the detection module opens up a new possibilities of using a gamma camera. Two prototypes of gamma camera were developed. In the first prototype takes place a direct reading of monolithic scintillator NaI(Tl) using SiPM matrix and signal digitizing from this matrix utilizing a multichannel ASIC Maroc 3. In the second prototype between the...