Sergey Reznikov
The detectors based on solid-state photomultipliers (SiPM) are proposed for
forthcoming experiments planned with relativistic heavy ions at FAIR
(CBM) and at NICA (MPD).
The main radiation damage of the detectors located along the beam axis is
caused by neutrons. The forward calorimeter PSD@CBM is equipped with
SiPM. The fluence up to 10e13 n/cm2 during first months
of the CBM experiment at position of SiPM is expected.
Therefore we have investigated SiPM based 10-channel prototype of
scintillation detector module produced at JINR by irradiating it with
quasi-monoenergetic neutrons of peak energy 32 MeV and fluence ~3*10e8
n/cm2. Secondary neutron beam was produced in the 7Li(p,n)7Be neutron
generator at the NPI cyclotron (Rez, Czech Republic).
It is shown that the module electronics remains operational, but the
noise of SiPM increased. We applied new method to monitor changes in the
breakdown voltage without measurement of SiPMs I-V characteristics. The
method is based on measurement of the dependence of Vpp and Vrms voltage
on the bias voltage. The proposed method can be applied for monitoring of
changes in the breakdown voltage during the detector operation and does
not require the usage of the additional equipment.
Primary author
Sergey Reznikov