Matthew Szydagis
(The University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY))
The LUX collaboration has recently released its 332 live-day WIMP search result. LUX remains at the forefront of the search for this dark matter candidate particle, in the 7 $GeV/c^2$ and higher range, with a maximal spin-independent sensitivity of 2.2 x $10^{-46}$ $cm^2$ cross-section for a mass of 50 $GeV/c^2$ now established. Spin-dependent and axion limits will also be discussed, as well as the present status of of LUX’s 10-ton-scale, Generation-2 successor LZ. It plans on achieving a sensitivity of better than 3 x $10^{-48}$ $cm^2$ for a WIMP of 40 $GeV/c^2$ rest mass.
Primary author
Matthew Szydagis
(The University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY))