Arkadiy Taranenko
13/10/2016, 15:15
Anisotropic flow of identified charged hadrons are currently being measured
at both the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and the Large
Hadron Collider (LHC), to aid investigations of the
temperature (T ) dependence of the equation of
transport properties of the hot and dense plasma
produced in energetic heavy ion collisions.
In this work we will provide the detailed comparison ...
Evgeny Shulga
13/10/2016, 15:15
Per-event charged particle spectra and nuclear modification factors are measured with the ATLAS detector at the LHC in p+Pbinteractions at sqrt(s_NN)=5.02 TeV. Results are presented as a function of transverse momentum, rapidity, and in different intervals of collision centrality, which is characterised in p+Pb collisions by the total transverse energy measured over the pseudorapidity interval...
Irina Bakunina
(National Research University Higher School of Economics)
13/10/2016, 15:15
Under this study we considered active regions of the 23-rd an 24-th cycle of solar activity which were observed with the 2D spatial resolution at two frequencies: 17 and 34 GHz with the Nobeyama Radioheliograph (NoRH) and we used daily solar observations with the RATAN–600.
We detected appearance and rapid development of a compact microwave source above the neutral line of the magnetic...
Sergey Morozov
13/10/2016, 15:15
Forward hadron calorimeter (FHCAL) is intended for the measurements of the geometry of heavy ions collisions. The main purpose of the FHCAL is to provide an experimental measurement of a heavy-ion collision centrality and orientation of its reaction plane. Precise event-by-event estimate of these basic observables is crucial for many physics phenomena studies to be performed by the MPD...
Vladimir Kovalenko
(Saint Petersburg State University)
13/10/2016, 15:15
We demonstrate that the investigations of the forward-backward correlations between intensive observables enable to obtain more clear signal about the initial stage of hadronic interaction, e.g. about the process of string fusion, compared to usual forward-backward multiplicity correlations. As an example the correlation between mean-event transverse momenta of charged particles in separated...
Ilya Selyuzhenkov
(GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))
13/10/2016, 15:15
The Projectile Spectator Detector (PSD) is a segmented hadron calorimeter used in NA61 experiment (CERN) to determine a collision centrality as well as an event plane orientation in nucleus-nucleus collisions. The main goal of the experiment includes studying the onset of deconfinement and searching for the critical point of strongly interacting matter. It is of crucial importance to have a...
Andrei Kobylyatskiy
(National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (MEPhI))
13/10/2016, 15:15
The simulation software to research the work of the linear modulator with the discharge line on the thyratron (generator with a soft switch) is presented. In this software it is possible to configure the generator and to research the influence of the parasitic inductances and capacitances on the nanosecond pulses.
Kirill Zaharchenko
(Industrial - Technology Center "UralAlmazInvest", Ivano-Franko street, Moscow, 121108, Russia)
13/10/2016, 15:15
The physical and mathematical model of the radiation situation in the diamond sensor detector was developed. Count rates of the particle sensors were measured in the registration of a monoenergetic electron and proton radiation. The simulation of the sensor data was made for simultaneously iradiation by electrons and protons with spectral characteristics, that were corresponded to cosmic...
German Averyanov
(National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI))
13/10/2016, 15:15
The software implementation of the voltage pulse generator mathematical model with a hard switch is considered. The interactive object-oriented interface provides the choice of generator parameters and the type of its load, as well as the generator switching on and the analysis of the "waveform" pulse on the load.
Alexandra Antonova
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
13/10/2016, 15:15
This document describes a 2D model of the bipolar transistor 2T312 under X-ray pulse ionizing radiation. Both the Finite Element Discretization and Semiconductor module of Comsol 5.1 are used. We present an analysis of energy deposition in this device under X-ray and the results of transient ionizing current response for some different carrier densities.
Anton Lukyanov
(PhD student)
13/10/2016, 15:15
Evolution of flaring active regions (AR) shows high spatial complexity and nontrivial changes of
observed patterns over time. It is practically impossible to give detailed description of
magnetogram morphology. This is why signatures are quite often used: critical points, neutral lines,
unsigned and signed areas of magnetic textures. However, when comparing two magnetograms adjacent...
Viktoriia Kurochka
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Institute for Nuclear Research)
13/10/2016, 15:15
Design and performance of large scittillator detectors developed for fixed-target experiments NA62 and SHIP at CERN will be presented. The main components of the detectors are extruded polystyrene based scintillators, wavelength shifting (WLS) fibers and micropixel avalanche photodiodes, SiPM’s produced by Hamamatsu and SensL. The tests with charged particle beams at CERN showed very good...
Valentina Dmitrieva
(National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (MEPhI))
13/10/2016, 15:15
The article deals with the latest version of a computer part of Vacuum Engineering laboratory in which means of fragmentary pumping and receiving of fine vacuum are studied. The virtual laboratory allows to carry out a heatup and processing of preselected surface materials of the pumped-out objects in acceptable time limits by using any means of preselected pumping (from the built-in...
Anton Artamonov
(Space Climate Research Unit, University of Oulu, Finland)
13/10/2016, 15:15
Computed yield function of solar neutron telescope at Mt. Aragats, for solar neutrons is presented. The computations of cascade in the atmosphere were made by Monte Carlo using the GEANT4-based PLANETOCOSMICS tool.
Recalculated attenuation length in the atmosphere for neutrons is presented.
German Averyanov
(National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI))
13/10/2016, 15:15
Presented web-based resource for information support the engineering, science and education in Electrophysics, containing web-based tools for simulation subsystems charged particle accelerators. Formulated the development motivation of Web-Environment for Virtual Electrophysical Laboratories. Analyzes the trends of designs the dynamic web-environments for supporting of scientific research and...
Anastasia Merzlaya
(Saint-Petersburg State University)
13/10/2016, 15:15
The heavy-ion programme of the NA61/SHINE experiment at CERN SPS is expanding to allow precise measurements of exotic particles with short lifetime. Vertex Detector for open charm measurements at the SPS is being constructed by the NA61/SHINE Collaboration to meet the challenges of high spatial resolution of secondary verticies and efficiency of track registration. This task is solved by the...