Mathieu Lamoureux
(CEA Saclay, IRFU)
12/10/2016, 16:00
Nuclear physics and particle physics
Plenary/section talk
The T2K long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment in Japan is designed to study neutrino oscillations using a muon (anti-)neutrino beam produced by J-PARC and propagating to Super-Kamiokande detector (located at 295 km across Japan). T2K has conclusively presented results on muon neutrino disappearance and electron neutrino appearance, allowing to perform precise measurement of lepton...
Aleksanrd Mefodiev
12/10/2016, 16:15
Nuclear physics and particle physics
Plenary/section talk
Magnetized Iron Neutrino Detector (Baby-MIND) is Muon Range Detector (MRD) for WAGASCI experiment in T2K.
The Baby-MIND modules are composed of magnetized iron and the long plastic scintillators bars which are read out with wavelength shifting (WLS) fibers. Event reconstruction resides in selecting tracks above the certain threshold in length. Analyzing the vertex allow us to reconstruct...
Anatolii Serebrov
12/10/2016, 16:30
Nuclear physics and particle physics
Plenary/section talk
In connection with the question of possible existence of sterile neutrino the laboratory on the basis of SM-3 reactor (Dimitrovgrad, Russia) was created to search for oscillations of reactor antineutrino. In the middle of 2015 the multisection prototype of a neutrino detector with liquid scintillator volume of 350 l was installed. It can be moved at the distance of 6-11 m from the reactor core...
Dmitry Akimov
(ITEP and MEPhI)
12/10/2016, 16:45
Nuclear physics and particle physics
Plenary/section talk
The experiment on first observation of the elastic coherent scattering of neutrino off atomic nuclei is proposed with the use of the RED-100 emission two-phase xenon detector. This process was theoretically predicted more than 40 years ago by the Standard model of particle physics but has not been observed yet because of lack of the detection technique of the events with the low energy...
Andrey Chernogorov
12/10/2016, 17:00
Nuclear physics and particle physics
Plenary/section talk
The GERDA (GERmanium Detector Array) is an experiment for the search of neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ) in Ge-76, located at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso of INFN (Italy). GERDA operates bare high purity germanium detectors submersed in liquid Argon (LAr). Phase II of data-taking started in Dec 2015 and is currently ongoing.
In Phase II 35 kg of germanium detectors enriched in...
Vladimir Belov
(Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics)
12/10/2016, 17:15
Nuclear physics and particle physics
Plenary/section talk
Setup description and the latest results for EXO-200 experiment are presented. Detector is liquid xenon TPC dedicated to study of $^{136}$Xe double beta decay. It contains 175 kg of xenon and is located in underground low-background laboratory. Careful material selection and cleaning procedures along with complicated analysis resulted in one of the the lowest Background Index amoung...
Alexander Barabash
12/10/2016, 17:30
Nuclear physics and particle physics
Plenary/section talk
The review of double beta decay experiments is done. Results of the most sensitive current experiments are discussed. The main attention is paid to KamLAND-Zen, GERDA-II, MAJORANA-DEMONSTRATOR, CUORE-0 and NEMO-3 experiments. Modern values of T1/2 (2v ) and best present limits on neutrinoless double beta decay and double beta decay with Majoron emission are presented. In the second part of...
Makhti Kochkarov
12/10/2016, 17:45
Nuclear physics and particle physics
Plenary/section talk
An estimation of the fast neutron flux in an underground laboratory excavated under about 320 m of rock has been performed on a data set acquired during the 2001-2015 years. A neutron background measurement relies on the production of a cosmogenic nuclide $^{12}B$ by fast neutrons in an organic scintillator. The estimated full fluxes of neutrons agree with results of Monte-Carlo simulation.
Oleg Titov
(NRC "Kurchatov Institute")
12/10/2016, 18:00
Nuclear physics and particle physics
Plenary/section talk
Recently, it was proposed to use storage rings with $\beta^+$-radioactive nuclei as sources of electron neutrino beams.
If the nuclei have large electron capture branching, than such beams could have a significant monochromatic component.
Under certain conditions, in particular, for hydrogen-like ions, one can modulate the monochromatic component.
We propose the selection criteria for...