Sergey Zaytsev
14/10/2016, 15:15
A way of data organization to store the results of morphological structure characteristics measurement information in the images of preparations of prostate gland, that were obtained in the system of computer microscopy, is being proposed. The given structure of the data provides fast access to subject’s characteristics in the course of interactive analysis of the images of preparations to...
Sergey Vinogradov
14/10/2016, 15:15
The paper describes the approach to designing built-in monitoring buffers for the purpose of checking the functionality of ASICs as parts of test printed boards. A comparative analysis of spread circuits of monitoring buffers is presented. A figure of merit (FOM), based on that analysis is suggested. Features of the FOM, applied to particle physics experiments, are the speed, power...
Valentine Blindar
14/10/2016, 15:15
Nikitaev V.G. 1, Polyakov E.V. 1, Matveeva I.I. 2, Blindar V.N.1
1National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (NRNU MEPhI)
Russia, 115409, Moscow, Kashirskoe shosse, 31
2N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center at the Ministry of Health of Russia
Russia, 115478, Moscow, Kashirskoe shosse, 23
Separation of leukocytes and myeloblasts is being considered in the paper, which is...
Elena Ryabeva
14/10/2016, 15:15
There is description of two types of detectors in use for the task of nuclear terrorism cases prevention to determine the direction to the radioactive source and geometrical structure of radiation filed.
The fist type is modular detector with anisotropic sensitivity. The principle of work of a modular detecting device is the simultaneous operation of several detecting modules with...
Valery Dmitrenko
14/10/2016, 15:15
CERN is preparing the new experiment aimed at the detection of weakly interacting massive long-lived particles. The experiment was called SHiP. The instrumental and technological solutions successfully used in experimental setups ATLAS, LHCb and others will be used in experimental setup SHiP. One of these units is a hadrons calorimeter. It uses several thousands photomultiplier tubes (PMT)...
Anna Mozhenkova
14/10/2016, 15:15
Mozhenkova A.V. 1, Tupitsin N.N. 1, Frenkel M.A. 1, Falaleeva N.A.1,
Nikitaev V.G.2, Polyakov E.V. 2
1N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center of the Ministry of Health of Russia
Russia, 115478, Moscow, Kashirskoe shosse, 23
2National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (NRNU MEPhI)
Russia, 115409, Moscow, Kashirskoe shosse, 31
During morphologic analysis of lymphoid cells, that...
Vladimir Sel’chuk
14/10/2016, 15:15
Selchuk, V.Y.1, 2, 3, Shamilov F.A.1, Beznos O.A.1, Vorotnikov I.K.1, Tupitsyn N.N.1
1N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center, Russian Federation,
115478, Moscow, Kashirskoe shosse, 23
2National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Russian Federation, 115409, Moscow, Kashirskoe shosse, 31
3 A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and...
Valery Stepanov
(Russian Federation)
14/10/2016, 15:15
The main characteristic of radiation is absorption of energy by the substance, which is accompanied by an adequate increase of temperature, therefore, absorbed doses in the intense flows of radiation, for example in nuclear power plants, can be measured by observing the local temperature in the parts of the device. Destruction and phase transitions in materials do not occur instantaneously but...
Irina Chernysheva
14/10/2016, 15:15
Software for identification of radionuclides using energy spectra of xenon gamma-ray spectrometer was developed. Software includes the gamma-ray library and allows performing the qualitative and quantitative isotopes analysis of gamma-ray spectra.
Alexandr Pronichev
14/10/2016, 15:15
Polyakov E.V., Nikitaev V.G., Vasilyev N.V., Pronichev A.N.,
Dmitrieva V.V., Ulina I.V.
National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (NRNU MEPhI)
Russia, 115409, Moscow, Kashirskoe shosse, 31
In order to provide mutual understanding between experts working in various fields of
science and technology an interdisciplinary glossary is being proposed. The glossary has
been developed...
Fred Kayumov
(Lebedev Physical Institute)
Pavel Buzhan
14/10/2016, 15:15
Setup for measurement of the volt-ampere characteristics of SiPMs on wafer level consists of probe station PA200 BlueRay, source-meter Keithley 2400 and computer. Controlling of the setup performed by special program which allows tune the accuracy and speed of the measurement by selecting averaging mode and integration time of Keithley 2400 and by constructing the custom logic of the measurement.
Igor Abalakin
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
Valeriy Samosadny
(National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI")
14/10/2016, 15:15
Literature research shows, that plastic scintillator detectors, including their compact modifications, provide most optimal characteristics for the purpose of radiotherapy. These detectors can be used not only for in-vivo on-line dosimetry, but also in phantom tests during dosimetric planning systems and brachytherapy apparatus testing.
Multichannel clinic dosimeter MKD-04 and several...
Yury Volkov
14/10/2016, 15:15
The expedience of building wideband multistage amplifiers, the stages of which are connected with each other so, that there is implemented the "ultimate mode", that is either the one of voltage matching (the previous stage with low output impedance drives the following one with high input impedance) or the one of current matching (the previous stage with high output impedance drives the...
Yuri Kopysov
14/10/2016, 15:15
A new model of hydrogen chain of solar thermonuclear reactions is investigated. The initial *pp*-reaction in this new model takes place through the nuclear-molecular catalysis (NMC). The catalyst is the ${}^4{\rm He}$ nucleus, which with protons together forms nuclear-molecular activated complexes (NMAC) $[^9{\rm Be}^*]$, $[^{10}{\rm C}^*]$, etc. In order to understand the physical essence of...
Sergey Zaytsev
14/10/2016, 15:15
A program system for conducting remote council of physicians/consultation in the course
of diagnosing oncological urological diseases by the images of prostate gland preparations
is being proposed. The system will provide coordination in the doctors’ actions during
remote consultations (examination of the area, marking the layout, search for in formative
objects in the images).
Larisa Korotkova
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
14/10/2016, 15:15
Search for highly excited states of 6Li lithium isotope was carried out in stopped pion absorption reaction by the carbon target 12C. The measurements were carried out at low energy pion channel of LANL with two-arm multilayer semiconductor spectrometer [1]. The missing mass resolution during the registration of a pair of tritons was $\le$ 1 MeV.
In the correlation measurements of 12C...
Ivan Bulbakov
14/10/2016, 15:15
Scalable Low Voltage Signaling (SLVS) Transmitter (Tx) and Receiver (Rx) IP blocks are designed in the UMC 180 nm CMOS technology as component of the readout ASIC for the muon chambers (MUCH) of the Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment at FAIR (Darmstadt, Germany). These blocks are a prototype of the physical layer of the e-link interface that is used for ASIC-GBTx connection. The...
Alexander Shustov
Irina Chernysheva
14/10/2016, 15:15
Software for gamma-ray spectra analysing was developed. Software has some services to visualization of gamma-ray spectra, background spectrum and shadow spectrum, analysing of gamma-picks by Gaussian distribution, calculation of energy resolution and other gamma-picks characteristics, subtraction of background spectrum, manipulation with shadow spectrum.
Valery Dmitrenko
14/10/2016, 15:15
The influence of a permanent magnetic field strength of up to 40 Gs to work PMT HAMAMATSU R7899-20 with its regular magnetic screens and without them is investigated. This PMT is used in a hadron calorimeter of LHCb experiment at CERN. It is shown that the use of a protective housing made of steel in joint its use with Permalloy screen significantly reduces screening efficiency. It proposed to...
Vitaliy Lyamkin
14/10/2016, 15:15
The WWR-M reactor at PNPI is going to be equipped with a high density ultracold neutron source. Method of UCN production is based on their accumulation in the super fluid helium due to particular qualities of that quantum liquid. High density of UCN will be achieved by putting source directly into the thermal column of the WWR-M reactor, where the thermal neutron flux reaches 3.2 e 12 n/cm^2s....
Alexander Novikov
14/10/2016, 15:15
S.E. Ulin, K.F. Vlasik, V.V. Dmitrenko, A.S. Novikov,
Z.M. Uteshev, A.E. Shustov, D.V.
National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (NRNU MEPhI)
Russia, 115409, Moscow, Kashirskoe shosse, 31
Possibility of using xenon gamma-ray spectrometers for determination of radiation dose while carrying out neutron capture therapy is considered. A principal scheme of body burden measurement by...
Valeriy Budkin
(National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (MEPhI))
14/10/2016, 15:15
The last results of carried out by laboratory of information systems of charged particle accelerators of NNRU MEPhI Electrophysical facilities department works are considered. Researches are connected with creation of the Center of information computer support systems and remote access of the basis leaning training courses (within department). Works on creation of virtual electrophysical...