Evgenia Troitskaya
11/10/2016, 15:15
We analyze several known models of solar atmosphere to find the most realistic one for understand nuclear interactions with it.
Victor Vorontsov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
11/10/2016, 15:15
This work is devoted to the fundamental problems of physics, namely the check of the first postulate of the special theory of relativity about inertial frames of reference. The question of transition between inertial systems, which is bound to the need of their acceleration is considered in it. If an inertial frame of reference is bound to a physical body, then its property can be changed...
Alexander Lyapin
(National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI")
11/10/2016, 15:15
The homogeneous subsample characteristics understanding is necessary for the investigation of any astrophysical objects redshift distribution, for example, gamma-ray bursts. The type Ia supernovae considered as a homogeneous subsample because of suggestion that these luminous events might be used as standard candles for cosmological measurements occurs since the earliest studies of supernovae...
Dmitry Shidlovskiy
11/10/2016, 15:15
Calculation of the electronic wavefunctions and energies in the field of a homogeneously charged core of a large radius are reviewed. The Hartree-Fock self-consistent field method is applied for the problem. The model of large core is used for modeling small metal particles. Also the density-functional method is used in conjunction with the Hartree-Fock method. Results are compared with other authors.
Dmitrii Pereima
11/10/2016, 15:15
The LHCb Hadron Calorimeter (HCAL) is a sampling iron-scintillator calorimeter of ${5.6λ_{I}}$ thickness. It is equipped with an embedded calibration system based on $Cs^{137}$ radioactive source, which is its main calibration tool.
HCAL information is used in the LHCb L0 trigger for event selection, therefore it is important to have a precise and reliable calibration system which produces...
Sergey Aleksandrin
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
11/10/2016, 15:15
The possibility of determination of plastic scintillator characteristics for detection nuclei with high ionizing density by numerical modeling was studied in this report. The scintillator detectors have the following main characteristics: light collection, transparency and light yield efficiencies. It was carried out numerically modeling scintillation photon generation and propagation in...
Makhti Kochkarov
11/10/2016, 15:15
The matrices of silicon photomultipliers (SiPM) are promising multi-channel photosensors for scintillation detectors. A method for their use in this capacity depends on the type of detector and current task. Matrix attached directly to the plastic scintillator can be used for the selection of events in different parts of scintillator. We consider also the possibility to use the arrays of SiPM...
Alexander Shustov
11/10/2016, 15:15
An information about development of an anticoincidence system for charge particle rejection in “Signal” experiment on a board of “Interhelioprobe” spacecraft are presented. A construction of a detector and components of scientific equipment are described. Initial tests of the scintillation detector, silicon photomultipliers and future plans of developing are discussed.
Valeri Tayursky
(Budker INP, Novosibirsk)
11/10/2016, 15:15
The KEDR experiment is dedicated to a study of c- and b-quarks and the
two-photon physics at the $e^+ e^-$ collider VEPP-4M
in the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics.
Since 2002 the KEDR detector has been collecting data in the
energy range 2E $\simeq 1.8\div4$ GeV.
The main collection of data for the study of $\gamma \gamma$ physics
is planned in the next few years, after increasing...
Alexey Grobov
11/10/2016, 15:15
It is known that distorted extra space with point-like defect can take place in our Universe. In the space of 4-dimensions this defect will appear as a non-zero energy density, which can interact as classical field with fermions of Standard Model. Because of the mass and the size we will refer to these kind of extra-space defect as the dark matter "particle", though it is not a particle in...
Esipova Ekaterina
11/10/2016, 15:15
In the report, self-interacting dark matter is considered. It is supposed that it can form bound states (with possible successive annihilation) due to long-range dark forces. In the course of cosmological evolution, such dark matter may form two components: "passive" one in the form bound-states and "active" (possibly small) one in the form of free dark-charged dark matter particles. Such...
Temir Zharaspayev
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
11/10/2016, 15:15
Orbital experiment ARINA on the board of Russian satellite Resurs-DK1 launched in 2006 developed to study charged particle flux (electrons $E \sim 3 - 30 MeV$, protons $E \sim 30 - 100 MeV$) in near-Earth space, especially high-energy electron precipitation from the inner radiation belt caused by various geophysical and solar-magnetospheric phenomena. Precipitated electrons under certain...
Ruslan Budaev
11/10/2016, 15:15
Decaying or annihilating dark matter model is a common way to explain positron anomaly, although it inevitably contradicts data on cosmic gamma-rays. We are going to show that introducing dark disk may evade this problem.
Olga Dunaeva
(P. G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University)
11/10/2016, 15:15
Simulation of the PAMELA spectrometer characteristics is performed now by Geant4 software package (in the PAMELA collaboration), which needs a detailed information about geometry, materials etc. of scientific equipment. This data is taken from manufactures or obtained from different ground-based tests including accelerators.
But the characteristics may change a bit during a launch or a long...
Sergey Koldobskiy
11/10/2016, 15:15
First results of investigation of PAMELA detectors parameters for search of albedo tritons. PAMELA is an space-born international experiment is housed on board of Resurs DK-1 satellite which was launched on 16 June 2006. PAMELA experimental framework consists from several independent detectors including time-of-flight detector, tracking detector and calorimeter. These detectors allows to...
Iliya Lagoida
11/10/2016, 15:15
A special phenomenon in the physics of cosmic rays, called Forbush decrease (FD), or Forbush effect was discovered in 1937 by S. Forbush. FD is a sudden supression of galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) intensity near the Earth. However, despite long term of investigations the nature of this phenomenon is still not completely understood. Today, this effect is investigated mostly by the neutron...
Rodion Faradzhaev
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
11/10/2016, 15:15
A calibration system based on two light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and finite difference technique is described. Pulses of the both LEDs have a complex shape like CsI(Tl) signals. The first LED has constant amplitude, while the amplitude of the second one varies all over the detector energy range. The differences between detector responses to summarized pulses of the both LEDs and pulses of the...
Alexander Karelin
11/10/2016, 15:15
For measurements of particle fluxes with the PAMELA calorimeter within the wide angular range it is important to estimate some parameters (energy and angular resolution, acceptance, efficiency of particle registration and so on). The GEANT 4 simulation allowed to get values of such parameters. Here we present results of this simulation.
Victoria Goryacheva
11/10/2016, 15:15
This work is devoted to methodology of solar neutrons search during solar
events by using a neutron detector of the PAMELA the magnetic
spectrometer on-board RESURS-DK1 satellite. Analysis of counts rates showed that in the geomagnetic equator region the detector performance is nominal and
background conditions are stable. Maps of background fluxes were constructed and then 27 solar...
Renat Ibragimov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
11/10/2016, 15:15
Multilayer diamond detectors of ionizing radiation were developed. Mathematical modeling and experimental research of detector output signal when exposed to beta radiation was made. Found an increase in the signal/noise ratio in the registration of beta radiation as compared to single-layer detectors.
Svetlana Kleymenova
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
11/10/2016, 15:15
PAMELA experiment on board Resurs DK satellite was equipped with electromagnetic imaging calorimeter, which comprises 44 silicon planes interleaved with 22 plates of tungsten absorber (total debth 16,3X0).
High granularity of calorimeter allows an accurate spatial reconstruction of the shower development.
New method of separation of electrons and protons based on single strip...
Vladislav Alekseev
(P. G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University)
11/10/2016, 15:15
We consider a problem of estimation of relationship between scalar fields for a multifield data set.
Evaluation techniques using computation of correlation matrix for fields give a global result and therefore are non-informative. As a satisfactory alternative, gradient comparison measure can be used [Nagaraj, 2011].
Another alternative is Jacobi sets, which are the sets of critical...
Helen Barminova
11/10/2016, 15:15
3D self-consistent model is discussed which may describe the quasi-stable stellar system. Such model describes the system having the shape of oblate rotational ellipsoid. The common case of anisotropic "pressure" in the plane of symmetry is considered. Some aspects of quasi-relaxed states of such systems and possible system evolution are discussed shortly.
Yury Melikyan
11/10/2016, 15:15
Prototype of the fast timing Cherenkov detector has been developed utilizing a modified Planacon XP85012 MCP-PMT for its use in collider experiments. We present the timing and amplitude characteristics of the prototype obtained with relativistic particles and with fast lasers. Also presented will be the reasons and description of the PMT modification, summary of the detector's response on...
Natalia Nazarova
11/10/2016, 15:15
We show possibility of reionization of the Universe at redshifts z = 5-10 due to radiation of primordial black holes. The mass distribution is obtained in the framework of a specific model of their formation as a result of phase transitions in the early Universe. Hawking radiation is assumed to be ionization source.
Helen Barminova
11/10/2016, 15:15
In the case of charged particle beam propagation in terrestrial magnetic field the beam behavior may be described in the frame of Vlasov theory. The Vlasov theory requirement of the particle collision absence is fulfilled for the cosmic rays due to the high beam energy and rather low beam intensity. In such approach 2D self-consistent time-dependent model may be applied, based on the...
Vitaly Ishkov
(leading scientific research)
11/10/2016, 15:15
The statistics of reliable solar cycles (SC) leads to the scenario of the regular changes in generation regime of the magnetic field in the solar convection zone from the epoch of ''increased'' ($<$8 – 10 and 18 – 22 SC) to the epoch of "lowered" (12 – 16, 24>) solar activity (SA) and vice versa – from the epoch of ''lowered'' to the epoch of ''increased'' SA. These epochs significantly differ...
Liliya Savushkina
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
11/10/2016, 15:15
Associated with thunderstorm activity gamma-ray bursts (TGF - Terrestrial Gamma-Flash) were discovered in 1994, by the BATSE instrument on board the satellite (cosmic gamma-ray observatory Compton, NASA). As expected one of the main mechanisms of their generation is bremsstrahlung emission of relativistic electrons, accelerated by atmospheric electric field above thunderclouds. This work is...
Natalia Dunina-Barkovskaya
(Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (FSBI SSC RF ITEP))
11/10/2016, 15:15
We derived a simple expression for total mass density of electrons and positrons in the region of equation-of-state parameters where electron-positron pairs are dominant by number (as compared with baryons). We estimated the total mass density of electrons and positrons in some models of superluminous supernovae developed by other authors. We found that at least in one model of pulsational...
Evgenia Troitskaya
11/10/2016, 15:15
We have studied the solar flare of January 20, 2005 by nuclear physics methods. The enreachment of the flare by helium-3 ions was found.
Elizaveta Ryspaeva
(Saint Petersburg State University)
11/10/2016, 15:15
AE Aquarii has been known as one of the most enigmatic magnetic Cataclysmic Variables on various aspects, including large optical flares and flickering large radio flares, TeV gamma-ray emissions and X-ray emission. AE Aquarii is a close binary system composed of a magnetized white dwarf and a Roche-lobe filling K3IV red dwarf. A white dwarf has a very short rotational period about 33.08 s. We...
Alexander Lyapin
(National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI")
11/10/2016, 15:15
Unidentified EGRET sources from 3EG catalog have been analyzed. Preliminary data analysis has shown at least 31 of these sources coincide with those in 3FGL Fermi catalogue within 1,2 and 3 sigma error intervals of the coordinates and fluxes. Their properties are discussed in the presented work.
Even 3-sigma difference allows supposing sources similarity because of more than 3-sigma...
Andrey Mayorov
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
11/10/2016, 15:15
Analysis of experimental data of primary positrones and antiprotons fluxes obtained by PAMELA
spectrometer, recently confirmed by AMS-02 spectrometer, for some reasons shows big interest to the
high energies, which are more than 100 GeV. In this work we present a method for identification of
high-energy antiprotons on a background of imitating them protons due to finite...