22-26 October 2018
Hotel Intourist Kolomenskoye 4*
Europe/Moscow timezone

Gravitational Hertz experiment in dielectrics, excited by intense laser pulses.

22 Oct 2018, 15:40
2h 30m
Petrovskiy hall (Hotel Intourist Kolomenskoye 4*)

Petrovskiy hall

Hotel Intourist Kolomenskoye 4*

Kashirskoye shosse, 39B, Moscow, Russia, 115409


Vladimir Gorelik (P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences)


The possibility of generating and detecting high-frequency gravitational waves based on parametric optical processes in dielectric media at their excitation by intense laser radiation of visible or ultraviolet ranges is analyzed. The theory predicts the feasibility of the Hertz gravitational laboratory experiment in which the parametric conversion of intense laser pulses with frequency ω0 to a gravitational wave with frequency ωg=2ω0 and the reverse process of gravitational radiation reconversion to optical radiation. Experiments have been fulfilled for observation of multifrequency Stimulated Raman Scattering and photon-biphoton conversion in dielectrics

Primary author

Vladimir Gorelik (P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences)

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