22-26 October 2018
Hotel Intourist Kolomenskoye 4*
Europe/Moscow timezone

New method of high-energy gamma ray direction reconstruction in multilayered converters

23 Oct 2018, 18:05
Moskvorechye 2 hall (Hotel Intourist Kolomenskoye 4*)

Moskvorechye 2 hall

Hotel Intourist Kolomenskoye 4*

Kashyrskoye shosse, 39B, Moscow, Russia, 115409
Plenary/section talk Facilities and advanced detector technologies Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies


Mr. Maxim Kheymits (NRNU MEPhI)


A new method of high-energy gamma ray incident direction reconstruction is
developed for gamma-ray detectors with multilayered converters. The method uses
data from converter and, if available, from position-sensitive calorimeter to
reconstruct an electromagnetic cascade axis and to determine the incident direction
of a primary gamma. For the first time to find point of intersection of gamma
direction line with a convertor plane, the median of energy deposit in sensitive
plane of a convertor is used. Applied, for example, to space gamma-telescope “GAMMA-400” this method allowed to achieve the angular resolution ~ 0.01° at gamma-ray energy of 100 GeV, being much better than accuracy of the past and present space-
and ground-based experiments. In the algorithm presented, a trade-off between the
angular resolution and the effective area can be found to meet scientific goal of an

Primary author

Mr. Maxim Kheymits (NRNU MEPhI)


Prof. Arkady Galper Irene ARKHANGELSKAJA (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)) Andrey Arkhangelskij (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)) Alexey Bakaldin (Scientific Research Institute of System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences) Mr. Yurii Gusakov (NRNU MEPhI, JINR) OLEG O.DALKAROV (P.N.Lebedev Institute) E. A. Djivelikyan (NRNU MEPhI) Andrey Egorov (Lebedev Physical Institute) Alexey Leonov (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)) Peter Naumov (NRNU MEPhI) Dr. N.Yu. Pappe (LPI RAS) Michael Runtso (NRNU MEPhI) Yuri Stozhkov (Lebedev Physical institute RAS) Sergey Suchkov (Lebedev Physical Institute) Dr. Nikolay Topchiev Yury Yurkin (NRNU MEPhI) valery zverev (mephi)

Presentation Materials

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