22-26 October 2018
Hotel Intourist Kolomenskoye 4*
Europe/Moscow timezone

GAMMA-400 gamma-ray telescope construction features

22 Oct 2018, 15:40
2h 30m
Petrovskiy hall (Hotel Intourist Kolomenskoye 4*)

Petrovskiy hall

Hotel Intourist Kolomenskoye 4*

Kashirskoye shosse, 39B, Moscow, Russia, 115409
Poster Particle physics: astroparticle physics Poster session and coffee-buffet


Dr. S Suchkov (LPI)


Space-based GAMMA-400 gamma-ray telescope will be installed on the Russian space observatory. GAMMA-400 is intended for precision measurements of gamma-radiation in the energy range from 20 MeV to several TeV of discrete sources in the Galactic plane, especially, Galactic Center, etc. measuring of the energy spectra of galactic and extragalactic diffuse gamma-radiation, which may be associated with the annihilation or decay of dark matter particles. Main parameters of the gamma-ray telescope are: angular resolution ~0.01° at Eγ =100 GeV and energy resolution ~1% at Eγ =100 GeV, calorimeter thickness 22 r.l., proton rejection 105.

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