Possible study of hadron production at small angles with respect to beam
at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is being actively discussed now.
Apart from a better understanding of the fundamental QCD processes,
the study of high energy particle production in the forward direction
is an extremely important topic for cosmic ray physics.
Such measurements could remove uncertainties in physics models explaining
particle production with energies up to 10^17 eV in the Universe.
The energy range of the particles explored in the proposed
Small-Angle-Spectrometer (SAS) experiments at the LHC
extends from ~1 TeV to ~6 TeV that corresponds for protons, kaons and pions
to Lorentz gamma-factor value from ~10^3 to ~4*10^4.
The only particle identification technique able to effectively separate hadrons
with these gamma-factors is based on the properties of the X-ray
transition radiation (TR) production.
In order to study this possibility, a dedicated set-ups based on straw
proportional tube arrays were built and tested at the CERN SPS accelerator.
Dedicated Monte Carlo (MC) simulations were also performed and compared with
the experimental data.
Then this proved MC was used for simulation of possible construction of
full-scale Transition Radiation Detectors (TRD) for SAS experiments at the LHC.
Some test beam results, comparison with MC simulations and abilities of
proposed full-scale TRD are presented.