12 years of HYDJET++ generator: history and the latest results (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
25th anniversary of the discovery of the top quark (in session "Plenary")
A class of special dilatonic dyon-like black hole solutions in the model with two Abelian gauge fields and two scalar fields (in session "Gravitation and Cosmology")
A concept of the transition radiation detector for a hadron separation in a forward direction of the LHC experiments (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
A gamma-ray imaging camera for NORM radioactivity detection (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
A Monte-Carlo simulation study of Underlying Event at hadron colliders (in session "Poster session")
A new test-bench design and performance testing of a Low Voltage Power Supply (LVPS) for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter front-end electronics (in session "Poster session")
A stratospheric and satellite CubeSat format probe capable of detecting relativistic runaway electron avalanches (in session "Poster session")
A study of the ionization efficiency for nuclear recoils in pure crystals (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
About the possible nature of dark matter and dark energy (in session "Poster session")
Accounting for the Heisenberg and Pauli principles in the kinetic approach to neutrino oscillations (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Advanced multi-platform visualization framework for particle physics experiments (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
ALICE FIT data processing and performance during LHC Run3 (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
An investigation of 28Si (α, α) 28Si elastic scattering at energies from 18 to 240 MeV (in session "Poster session")
Analysis of the TAIGA-HiSCORE data (in session "Poster session")
Analytic reconstruction of pp elastic scattering amplitudes from the complete sets of experiments at the SPASCHARM facility at U70. (in session "HEP theory")
Analytical approximation of neutrino distribution function in core-collapse supernova (in session "Poster session")
Analytical solutions at amplitude and time measurements from discrete sampling of pseudo-Gaussian signals (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
Anisotropic flow measurements from the NA61/SHINE and NA49 beam momentum scan programs at the CERN SPS (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
Annual variations of the 214Ро, 213Ро and 212Ро half-life values (in session "Nuclear physics")
Application of Machine Learning methods for centrality determination in heavy ion reactions at the BM@N and MPD@NICA (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
Approaches in centrality measurements of heavy ion collisions with forward calorimeters at MPD/NICA facility (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
Asymmetric kink solutions of hyperbolically deformed model (in session "Poster session")
ATLAS measurements of production, decays and spectroscopy of heavy flavour hadrons (in session "High Energy Physics")
Atmospheric neutrinos and the Borexino's geoneutrino and DSNB results (in session "Poster session")
Atomic effects in reactor antineutrino spectra calculation (in session "Poster session")
Axions-2020 (in session "Plenary")
BSM contributions to the Z gamma gamma and ZZ gamma self couplings at hight energies (in session "Poster session")
Calibration of NICA-MPD electromagnetic calorimeter modules with cosmic muons (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
calibration of prototypes of detectors of GAMMA-400 space-based gamma-ray telescope on synchrotron C-25P «PAKHRA» of Lebedev Physical Institute (in session "Poster session")
Calibration of SiPM-based neutron detectors as a part of Bonner spectrometer (in session "Poster session")
Capabilities of gamma ray telescope GAMMA-400 for lateral aperture (in session "Poster session")
Characteristic for long GRBs with high energy component presence, which not required cosmological corrections (in session "Astroparticle Physics")
Characteristics of semiconductor tagging system for stopped pions (in session "Poster session")
Charmonia Production in W -> c c Ds Decays (in session "HEP theory")
Chemical freeze-out of light nuclei in high energy nuclear collisions and resolution of the hyper-triton chemical freeze-out puzzle (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
COHERENT experiment with LAr: First results and Current status (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Commissioning of the new small-diameter Monitored Drift Tube detectors for the phase-1 upgrade of the ATLAS muon spectrometer. (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
Constraints on the fraction of cold fermionic dark matter particles inside the neutron stars (in session "Astroparticle Physics")
Convolutional neural network approach to event position reconstruction in DarkSide-50 experiment (in session "Poster session")
Coordinate-space representation of a charged scalar particle propagator in a constant magnetic field expanded as a sum over the Landau levels (in session "Poster session")
Corrections of fluctuation observables with the unfolding techniques at NA61/SHINE (in session "Poster session")
Cosmological baryon/lepton assymmetry in terms of Kaluza-Klein extra dimensions (in session "Gravitation and Cosmology")
Cosmological Scalar field : A Brief Review (in session "Gravitation and Cosmology")
CP-sensitive observables for the process $pp\to Z\to ZH\to 2e2\mu$ (in session "Poster session")
Criteria for early detection of geomagnetic disturbances caused by coronal holes during periods of low solar activity based on muon flux variations (in session "Poster session")
D wave Bc production at LHC (in session "HEP theory")
DANSS experiment: current status and future plans (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Dark matter and dark energy as superfluid vacuum phenomenon (in session "Gravitation and Cosmology")
Dark matter search with DEAP-3600 experiment (in session "Astroparticle Physics")
Dark matter search with noble gas two-phase emission detectors (in session "Astroparticle Physics")
Dark matter searches by the planned gamma-ray telescope GAMMA-400 (in session "Astroparticle Physics")
Dark Matter searches with the ATLAS Detector (in session "High Energy Physics")
Density dependence of pseudoscalar $D$ and $\bar D$ mass splitting (in session "Poster session")
Determination of the proton charge radius from the study of the hydrogen S-energy levels (in session "HEP theory")
Development and characterization of novel silicon sensors for neutron detection (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
Development of Detector Control Systems for Forward Hadron Calorimeters at the BM@N and MPD experiments (in session "Poster session")
Development of Si Beam Position Detectors for NA61/SHINE experiment (in session "Poster session")
Development of the scintillation detector prototypes with SiPM readout for SPD at NICA (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
Domain wall thickness and deformations of the field model (in session "Poster session")
Double polarisation observables G and E and helicity dependent cross section for single $\pi^0$ photoproduction off proton and neutron at MAMI (in session "Nuclear physics")
Dynamics of sub-spaces at high energies (in session "Poster session")
Effect of sterile phases on degeneracy resolution capabilities of LBL experiments (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Electron and photon performance in CMS in Run2 and prospects for Run3 (in session "High Energy Physics")
Electron beam test of the MPD electromagnetic calorimeter on the «Pakhra» synchrotron (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
Elliptic ($v_2$) and triangular ($v_3$) anisotropic flow of identified hadrons from the STAR Beam Energy Scan program. (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
Energy calibration of FHCal with cosmic muons at BM@N experiment (in session "Poster session")
Energy interval (1S-2S) in muonic ions of lithium, beryllium and boron (in session "HEP theory")
Energy levels in three-particle muonic ions (µ e Li), (µ e Be), (µ e B) (in session "HEP theory")
Equivalent photons approximation: survival factor (in session "HEP theory")
Estimation of Backgrounds in LEGEND (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Evolution of anisotropic flow of produced particles from Au+Au collisions at \sqrt{{s}_{NN}}=7.7 - 62.4 GeV in a hybrid models (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
Evolution of the cluster of primordial black holes within the Fokker-Planck approach (in session "Poster session")
Exotic searches by ATLAS and CMS (in session "Plenary")
Expectations for hyperon polarization as a probe of fluid behavior in extreme cases (in session "Plenary")
Experimental results on the EFT interpretations of SM and Higgs boson measurements (in session "Plenary")
Exploring the lifetime and cosmic frontier with the proposed MATHUSLA detector (in session "High Energy Physics")
Feasibility of thermal photon measurements in heavy ion collisions at NICA energies (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
Feasibility studies for the measurement of single-spin asymmetry in inclusive K0s production at pion beam at U70. (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
Feasibility study to measure the muon bremsstrahlung cross section with the energy loss profile using neutrino telescopes (in session "Astroparticle Physics")
Femtoscopic correlations of identical charged particles in pp collisions at LHC energies with event-shape selection (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
Fermi-LAT observations of gamma-ray emission from interstellar visitors 1I/'Oumuamua and 2I/Borisov (in session "Astroparticle Physics")
Finding new physics, phenomenological, experimental and astrophysical predictions (in session "HEP theory")
Firmware developments on the TileCoM for the Phase-II Upgrade of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter (in session "Poster session")
First detection of gamma-ray sources at TeV energies with the first imaging air Cherenkov telescope of the TAIGA installation (in session "Astroparticle Physics")
First detection of solar neutrinos from the CNO cycle with Borexino (in session "Plenary")
First determination of X(3872) absolute Branching fractions and partial widths (in session "High Energy Physics")
First observation of diffraction in proton-lead collisions at the LHC with the CMS detector (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
First results and future prospects from PHELEX. (in session "Astroparticle Physics")
Forbush decrease spectrum in a magnetic cloud in the 2004 July 27 event (in session "Poster session")
Forbush decreases and lunar cycles in the thermal neutron counting rate for the period from May 2015 to February 2019 by using the experimental data of "Neutron" setup (in session "Poster session")
Forward hadron calorimeter (PSD) upgrade for the NA61/SHINE experiment (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
Forward scintillator and quartz hodoscopes for BM@N experiment (in session "Poster session")
Four decades of experiments with relativistic heavy ions: past, present, and future (in session "Plenary")
From thin to thick domain walls: An example of the $\phi^8$ model (in session "Poster session")
Future physics program and prospectives for the NA61/SHINE large acceptance particle spectrometer at the CERN SPS. (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
Gas gain study of a large-size multilayer Micromegas (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
Geant4 quartz fiber simulations as part of luminometer development for CMS (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
Generic algorithm for multi-particle cumulants of azimuthal correlations at the LHC (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
Global hyperon polarization in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 27 GeV in STAR experiment (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
GPU based photon propagation for CORSIKA 8 (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
Gravitational Lensing by a black hole in non-Riemannian spacetimes (in session "Poster session")
HADES FW calibration procedure (in session "Poster session")
Hadronic resonance production with ALICE at the LHC (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
HE Stratosphere Event of 1975 Revisited: New Physycs in Astroparticle Collision vs. LHC Nucleus-Nucleus Data (in session "Astroparticle Physics")
Heavy-flavour production in proton-proton collisions with the ALICE experiment (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
High-energy neutrino astronomy and the Baikal-GVD neutrino telescope (in session "Plenary")
High-mass resonances decaying to heavy particles with ATLAS (in session "High Energy Physics")
High-performance optimization of simulation and reconstruction modules in the BM@N software at the NICA (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
Hybrid metric-Palatini gravity: black holes, wormholes, singularities and stringlike objects (in session "Gravitation and Cosmology")
Hyper-Kamiokande (in session "Plenary")
Hyperfine structure of excited states of hydrogen mesomolecules (in session "HEP theory")
Identification of neutrons and gamma rays using a combination of three algorithms for separating signals of the scintillation detector (in session "Poster session")
Impact of weak annihilation contribution on rare semileptonic $B^+ \to \pi^+ \ell^+ \ell^-$ decay (in session "High Energy Physics")
Implementation of the DAQ software in the ALTI Module of the ATLAS TileCal (in session "Poster session")
Implementation of the deconvolution method for signal peak detection in read-out ASIC (in session "Poster session")
Improving the precision of calibrating a large low-background proportional counter (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
In-medium study of $J/\psi$ state using D meson loop effect (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
Influence of quark content and collision geometry on proton production in heavy ion collisions (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
Intensity of muon bundles according to the NEVOD-DECOR cosmic ray experiment (in session "Astroparticle Physics")
Interaction between superconductor and weak static gravitational field (in session "Gravitation and Cosmology")
Interactions of $\eta$-meson in asymmetric nuclear matter (in session "Poster session")
Interactive, F(R) and other cosmological models, recent observational data and H_0 tension (in session "Gravitation and Cosmology")
Investigation of neutron generation upon irradiation of deuterated crystal structures with an electron beam (in session "Nuclear physics")
Investigation of the EAS Neutron Component with the URAN Array (in session "Astroparticle Physics")
Investigation of the hardware functions of the URAGAN muon hodoscope using mathematical modeling (in session "Poster session")
Investigation of the mechanism of solar flare and acceleration of solar cosmic rays in real conditions of the solar corona (in session "Astroparticle Physics")
Investigation of variations in the intensity of the muon flux in the time series of matrix data of the URAGAN hodoscope (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
Investigation project: studying of fission fragment's brake-up while passing through solid state foils using Timepix3 detector (in session "Poster session")
Isospin triplet A=14: search for states with enhanced radii (in session "Nuclear physics")
Kaons and antikaons in multi-phase transport model (in session "Poster session")
Latest results from the Double Chooz experiment. (in session "Poster session")
LEGEND: The Future of Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay Searches with 76-Ge-enriched Germanium Detectors (in session "Plenary")
Light-Cone Distribution Amplitudes of Doubly-Heavy Baryons (in session "HEP theory")
LVD status report: neutrino physics. (in session "Neutrino Physics")
LVD STATUS REPORT: UNDERGROUND MUON PHYSICS (in session "Astroparticle Physics")
Machine learning techniques for optimization of track selection criteria (in session "Poster session")
Mass composition estimation by relative content of muon in air showers with energy greater than 5 EeV (in session "Poster session")
Measurement of $\gamma$ ($\phi_3$) at Belle II (in session "High Energy Physics")
Measurement of Higgs boson properties using the ATLAS detector (in session "High Energy Physics")
Measurement of single-spin asymmetry for charged pions in the SPASCHARM experiment at U70 accelerator. (in session "High Energy Physics")
Measurement of the CP violation in Bs -> J/psi fi decays in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector (in session "Poster session")
Measurement of the production cross-section of J/ψ and ψ(2S) mesons at high transverse momentum in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector (in session "Poster session")
Measurement of the ttH, H → bb decay with RunII data and prospects for RunIII (in session "High Energy Physics")
Measurements of the like-sign pion and kaon femtoscopic correlations at NICA energies (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
Mechanic and cooling systems for the new pixel detectors in High energy physics experiments (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
Methods for anisotropic flow measurements with the MPD Experiment at NICA (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
Methods for centrality determination in heavy-ion collisions with the CBM experiment (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
Methods for event plane determination in flow measurements with HADES (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
Mirror aligment of TAIGA-IACT telescopes using the Bokeh effect (in session "Poster session")
Model analysis of relativistic electron beam dynamics in rared plasma (in session "Poster session")
Modeling the motion of bright spot in jets from black holes M87* and SgrA* (in session "Gravitation and Cosmology")
Modification of beta-processes by magnetic field in core-collapse supernova (in session "Astroparticle Physics")
Modification of hadron production in small and large systems observed by PHENIX (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
Monte-Carlo study of $\Lambda$ ($\bar\Lambda$) polarization at MPD (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
mPSD readout system at mCBM experiment (in session "Poster session")
Multimessenger cosmology of new physics (in session "Plenary")
Muon with threshold 1 GeV in extensive air showers with energy greater than 5 EeV (in session "Poster session")
NA65 (DsTau) experiment: Tau neutrino production study at the CERN SPS (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Neutrino masses and mixing angles in a model with six Higgs triplets and $A_4$ symmetry (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Neutrino masses and nature from the point of view of economy and simplicity”. (in session "Plenary")
Neutrino oscillations in long baseline experiments (in session "Plenary")
Neutrino Physics with the SHiP experiment at CERN (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Neutron Stars Structure in the Era of Multi-Messenger Astronomy (in session "Plenary")
New Markov-Chain Monte Carlo analyses for the evaluation of the antiproton background (in session "Astroparticle Physics")
New Approach of explaining the missing sources of UHE Neutrinos as an Effect of Approaching Planck Length (in session "Astroparticle Physics")
New Approach of explaining the missing sources of UHE Neutrinos as an Effect of Approaching Planck Length (in session "Poster session")
New mK-temperature Germanium detectors for Dark Matter direct search and for precision measurements of CEvNS (in session "Plenary")
New results from the CUORE experiment (in session "Neutrino Physics")
New Small Wheels for the ATLAS muon Spectrometer (in session "Poster session")
Non-identical charged kaon femtoscopy in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN=2.76 TeV by ALICE (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
Nonstationary configurations of a massless scalar field (in session "Gravitation and Cosmology")
Nuclear modification factor in Pb+Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$ = 5.02 TeV using Boltzmann's transport Equation with Tsallis statistics (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
Observation of the excited states from the 9Be(d,d)9Be reaction (in session "Poster session")
Observation of the VBF production in the H → WW* → eνμν decay channel with the ATLAS experiment (in session "Poster session")
On generalized Melvin solutions for Lie algebras of rank 4 (in session "Gravitation and Cosmology")
On mass limits for scalar color octet from the LHC data on tttt and tbtb production. (in session "HEP theory")
On perturbative unitarity in an extended MSSM Higgs sector (in session "HEP theory")
On quantization of electron dynamics in a stationary electromagnetic field without radiation and with radiation (in session "Poster session")
On stable exponential cosmological solutions with three different Hubble-like parameters in EGB model with a Λ-term (in session "Gravitation and Cosmology")
On the Cosmological Origin of Astroparticles: New Concepts, Phenomena and Processes in galactic SMBH (in session "Poster session")
On the nature of particles that produces extensive air showers with energires greater than 5 EeV (in session "Poster session")
Operation and Performance of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
Optical system with SiPM-based camera for the TAIGA hybrid installation (in session "Astroparticle Physics")
Optimal observables as a probe of CP violation in the $q \bar{q} \to Z\gamma \to \nu\bar{\nu} \gamma$ process (in session "Poster session")
Outlook of the application of the PyCAMFT code for the ISOL development (in session "Poster session")
Overview of Recent Heavy Flavor Results from PHENIX at RHIC (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
Partial-wave analysis of $J/\psi\to K^+K^-\pi^0$ (in session "High Energy Physics")
Particle configurations in $NN\bar K$ quasi-bound state (in session "Poster session")
Performance and upgrade plans of the ALICE Photon Spectrometer (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
Performance for charged hadrons anisotropic flow measurements of the CBM experiment at FAIR (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
Photon damping in a strongly magnetized plasma (in session "Astroparticle Physics")
Photoproduction of vector mesons in Xe-Xe ultraperipheral collisions at the LHC and the nuclear form factors of Xe isotopes (in session "Poster session")
Physics and Performance of the Upgraded T2K's Near Detector (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Physics of heavy-ion collisions at the highest energy frontier (in session "Plenary")
Physics prospects for ATLAS at the HL-LHC (in session "High Energy Physics")
Pion and kaon femtoscopy in Pb-Pb collisions at 2.76 TeV in comparison with the EPOS 3 model prediction (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
Pion femtoscopy in p+Au and Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 200~GeV using transport approach (in session "Poster session")
Pion femtoscopy in p+Au and d+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=$~200~GeV in the STAR experiment (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
Planacon XP85002/FIT-Q MCP-PMTs for the ALICE FIT detector (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
Point-like events searching in RED-100 (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Possibilities of the Tunka-Grande and TAIGA-Muon scintillation arrays with the TAIGA-HiSCORE Cherenkov array joint operation in the research of cosmic and gamma rays. (in session "Poster session")
Precision measurements of cosmic ray electron and positron spectra above 50 MeV with the PAMELA magnetic spectrometer (in session "Astroparticle Physics")
Precision QCD with the Electron Ion Collder (in session "Plenary")
Present status of inflation, the simplest models and expected discoveries (in session "Plenary")
Primary vertex reconstruction in the BM@N experiment (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
Primordial Black Holes Around Us Now, Long Before, and Far away (in session "Plenary")
Primordial black holes in Brans-Dicke gravity (in session "Gravitation and Cosmology")
Probing pT-dependent flow vector fluctuations with ALICE (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
Processing liquid xenon working medium of the RED-100 detector for setting up an experiment to observe the elastic coherent scattering of nuclear reactor neutrinos off xenon nuclei (in session "Poster session")
Production of dijets with large rapidity separation at colliders (in session "HEP theory")
Production of K*(892)⁰ mesons in 3He+Au collisions at √(s_NN) = 200 GeV (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
PROPOSAL: A library to propagate leptons and high energy photons (in session "Astroparticle Physics")
Prospects for the study of the strangeness production at the NICA experiments (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
Prospects of non-resonant Higgs pair production at the HL-LHC and HE-LHC (in session "High Energy Physics")
QCD corrections for double charmonia production in $e^+e^-$ annihilation (in session "HEP theory")
QCD phase diagram with isospin and chiral imbalance and its dualities (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
Quadratic Gravity and Non-Conservativity of Energy-Momentum Tensor Due to the Double Layers (in session "Gravitation and Cosmology")
Quality control of MPD electromagnetic calorimeter modules (in session "Poster session")
Quantum particles and the ergosphere of the Kerr metric (in session "Gravitation and Cosmology")
Quantum Simulation of Entangled Oscillating Neutrinos. (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Radiation hardness of GaAs: Cr semiconductor detectors after irradiation with fast neutrons at the IBR-2 reactor. (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
Radiation hardness of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter optical components (in session "Poster session")
Radiowave detection of neutrinos (in session "Plenary")
Rare and exotic decays Z/H decays in ATLAS (in session "High Energy Physics")
Read-out analog channel with interpolator for signal peak finding (in session "Poster session")
Read-out electronics for LEGEND-200 experiment (in session "Poster session")
Recent CMS results on B hadron decays with charmonium (in session "Poster session")
Recent CMS results on exotic hadron states (in session "High Energy Physics")
Recent experimental results in B physics (in session "Plenary")
Recent highlights of top-quark physics with the ATLAS detector (in session "High Energy Physics")
Recent results from EXO-200 (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Recent Results of Dark Sector Searches with the BaBar Experiment (in session "High Energy Physics")
Recent results on top-quark physics at CMS (in session "High Energy Physics")
Recent three-flavor neutrino oscillation results from the NOvA experiment (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Reconstruction of γγ mass spectra in AgAg collisions at 1.23 and 1.58 AGeV beam energies with ECal detector of the HADES experiment (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
Registration of fast neutrons using a scintillation detector under conditions of background magnetic fields of the HELIS facility (in session "Poster session")
Registration of the transition radiation with GaAs detector: data/MC comparison (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
Removal of secondary particle contribution from moments of particle distributions with Identity Method (in session "Poster session")
Resolving Black hole Information Paradox: Revisited (in session "Poster session")
Rest mass and energy of photon in the form of complex number. (in session "Poster session")
Results of testing the optical module for the Cherenkov water detector (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
Review of two-phase emission detectors R&D (dedicated to the memory of Prof. B.A. Dolgoshein) (in session "Plenary")
Rigidity dependences of the main characteristics of Forbush decreases (in session "Poster session")
Scattering d-waves on distorted black holes (in session "Gravitation and Cosmology")
Scientific Data Lake for High Luminosity LHC project and other data-intensive particle and astro-particle physics experiments (in session "High Energy Physics")
Search for 10He in the stopped pion absorption 14С(pi-, p3He)X (in session "Nuclear physics")
Search for electroweak production of charginos and neutralinos in multileptonic final states with the ATLAS experiment (in session "Poster session")
Search for halo in isobar-analog states (in session "Nuclear physics")
Search for heliospheric disturbances and Forbush decreases in time series of matrix data of the URAGAN hodoscope using decision rules for sequences of confidence intervals (in session "Poster session")
Search for low mass dark photons in dimuon channel using data collected by scouting trigger in Run2 in CMS (in session "Poster session")
Search for neutrinoless double beta decay of 100Mo with the CUPID-Mo detector (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Search for new resonances coupling to third generation quarks at CMS (in session "High Energy Physics")
Search for periodic varioations of nucleus weak decay parameters (in session "Nuclear physics")
Search for rare decays of the observed Higgs boson and additional Higgs bosons with the ATLAS detector (in session "High Energy Physics")
Search for sub-GeV dark sector mediator particle in NA64 at SPS (in session "Poster session")
Search for supersymmetry in events with four or more charged leptons in 139 fb-1 sqrt(s) = 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector (in session "Poster session")
Searches for New Long-lived Particles with the ATLAS detector (in session "High Energy Physics")
Searches for new phenomena in final states involving leptons and jets using the ATLAS detector (in session "High Energy Physics")
Searching for solar hep neutrino interactions with Borexino (in session "Poster session")
Second look to the Polyakov Loop Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model at finite baryonic density (in session "Astroparticle Physics")
Second order hydrodynamics, anisotropic expansion and holographic dual of QGP (in session "Gravitation and Cosmology")
Selection of optimal parameters of scintillation hodoscope model for the muonography method (in session "Poster session")
Separation of electroweak and QCD components of Zgammajj production in hadron colliders based on the parameters of the third jet (in session "Poster session")
Separation of signals from neutrons and gamma quanta by the method of normalized signals (in session "Poster session")
Shear viscosity of nucleons and pions in heavy-ion collisions at energies of NICA (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
Silicon pixel sensors calorimetry for precise charge particles energy identification (in session "Poster session")
Simulation and analysis of the properties of linear structures in the mass distribution of nuclear reaction products by machine learning methods (in session "Nuclear physics")
Simulation of the response of the URAN and PRISMA-32 facilities to the passage of the EAS (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
Soft photon study at NICA's facilities (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
Spectroscopic simulations for the Euclid Survey (in session "Gravitation and Cosmology")
Spin-parity assignments of excited $\Omega_b^-$-baryons in the Quark-Diquark Model (in session "High Energy Physics")
Spin-spin correlations between quark and a spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ composite system (in session "HEP theory")
Standard Model measurements by ATLAS and CMS (in session "Plenary")
Star-forming regions as potential contributors to Galactic cosmic rays: the case of NGC 3603 (in session "Astroparticle Physics")
Statistical data analysis in the DANSS experiment (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Status and future of neutrino astronomy and the Global Neutrino Network (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Status of investigations of the energy deposit of cosmic ray muon bundles in the Cherenkov water calorimeter (in session "Astroparticle Physics")
Status of Light Sterile Neutrinos (in session "Plenary")
Status of the iDream project (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Status of the installation and commissioning of the first GEM station at the CMS experiment (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
Status of the Phase-2 Tracker Upgrade of the CMS experiment at the HL-LHC (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
Status of the RED-100 experiment (in session "Neutrino Physics")
Stopping of protons in pA collisions at SPS and NICA energies in analytical hydrodynamic model and in SMASH event generator (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
Strange Quark Matter with $\beta$-equilibrium condition (in session "HEP theory")
Studies at SKIF synchrotron source (in session "Plenary")
Studies of excited states of beauty hadrons at CMS (in session "High Energy Physics")
Studies of Xi_c baryons at LHCb (in session "High Energy Physics")
Study of charge sharing effect in a GaAs:Cr-based Timepix3 detector (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
Study of GAGG scintillation crystals for X-ray scanners with energy resolved counting (in session "Poster session")
Study of isomeric yield ratios for natural tellurium in the bremsstrahlung end-point energies of 60-70 MeV (in session "Poster session")
Study of Plastic Scintillator Detector for the High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) experiment (in session "Astroparticle Physics")
Study of strongly interacting matter properties at the energies of the NICA collider using the methods of factorial moments (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
Study of the beam energy dependence of anisotropic flow in relativistic heavy ion collisions using scaling relations. (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
Study of the resonances in heavy-ion collisions at NICA energies using the MPD detector (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
Super dense star in non-commutative space-time (in session "Gravitation and Cosmology")
Superheavy dark matter in $R^2$-cosmology (in session "Gravitation and Cosmology")
Supermassive primordial black holes at high redshifts (in session "Gravitation and Cosmology")
Systematic search for gamma-ray periodicity in active galactic nuclei detected by the Fermi-Large Area Telescope (in session "Astroparticle Physics")
TAIGA – an innovative hybrid array for and high energy gamma astronomy, cosmic ray physics and astroparticle physics (in session "Astroparticle Physics")
Taking into account the random component in the quantum representation of particles (in session "Poster session")
The ATLAS muon spectrometer upgrade for high-luminosity LHC (in session "Poster session")
The Belle II Experiment: Status and Prospects (in session "High Energy Physics")
The Burn-in testing of advanced custom low-voltage power supply components within ATLAS TileCAL testing facilities (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
The European Spallation Source, Building the future for Neutron Scattering in Europe (in session "Plenary")
The first results obtained with array of 16 electron-neutron detectors in INR RAS (in session "Astroparticle Physics")
The lack of vacuum polarization in quantum electrodynamics with spinors in fermion equations (in session "HEP theory")
The mechanism of domain walls and strings formation in the early Universe (in session "Gravitation and Cosmology")
The Nambu Sum Rule in the Composite Two Higgs Doublet Model (in session "HEP theory")
The Noble Element Simulation Technique (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
The QCD phase structure at high baryon densities (in session "Plenary")
The results of analysis of Ia supernovae redshift distribution on data of the Asiago Supernova and Open Supernova Catalogues (in session "Astroparticle Physics")
The results of analysis of Rich Galaxy Clusters from CfA2 Redshift Survey spatial distribution. (in session "Poster session")
The strongly intensive observable in pp collisions at LHC energies in the string fusion model (in session "HEP theory")
The SuperFGD for the T2K near detector upgrade (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
The Transparent Nucleus: Unperturbed inverse kinematics nucleon knockout measurements with a 48 GeV/c carbon beam (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
The use of the effective potential for construction of inflationary models with the Gauss-Bonnet term (in session "Gravitation and Cosmology")
Theoretical uncertainties of muon transport calculations for very large volume neutrino telescopes (in session "Astroparticle Physics")
Thermal photon production in Au+Au collisions observed by PHENIX (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
Tidal forces near a black hole with scalar hairy (in session "Gravitation and Cosmology")
Tidal forces near a black hole with scalar hairy (in session "Poster session")
Time response simulation of a “shashlyk”-type calorimeter as applied to ECAL MPD / NICA (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
Top quark production at ultra-high energies (in session "Astroparticle Physics")
Topological properties of Josephson current between two s- and p-wave superconducting nanowires with Majorana fermions (in session "Poster session")
Topological studies of light-flavor hadron production in pp, p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
Towards self-triggered radio detection of cosmic-ray air-showers by Tunka-Rex data. (in session "Poster session")
Triboelectric effect in radio detectors of astrophysical experiments in Antarctica (in session "Astroparticle Physics")
Two ways to construct Hamiltonian dynamics in extended phase space (in session "Gravitation and Cosmology")
UNDERSTANDING NUCLEAR STABILITY RANGE WITH $A_s\cong \left(Z+2.95\right)^{1.2\pm {0.015}}$ (in session "Nuclear physics")
Unstable states in dissociation of relativistic nuclei (in session "Nuclear physics")
Upgrade of the ATLAS Hadronic Tile Calorimeter for the High Luminosity LHC (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
Upgrade of the QA system in the BM@N experiment at the NICA (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
Validation of Geant4 simulation and digitisation of a SiPM-on-tile system (in session "Facilities and Advanced Detector Technologies")
Vector mesons spectrum in a medium with a chiral imbalance induced by the vacuum of fermions (in session "HEP theory")
Vibrations of thick domain walls: How to avoid no-go theorem (in session "Poster session")
Vorticity structure and polarization of lambda hyperons in Au-Au collisions (in session "Heavy Ion Physics")
What can the CNO neutrinos flux measurement by Borexino say about $^{40}$K geoneutrino flux? (in session "Neutrino Physics")
What we can learn from CEvNS? (CEvNS Coherent Elastic Neutrino Nucleus Scattering) (in session "Plenary")
Сosmology and modified gravity (in session "Plenary")
∆φ distributions between final state particles as a criterion of the pile-up background mismodeling and its impact on Z(νν)γ process (in session "Poster session")
Include materials from selected contributions