5-9 October 2020
Europe/Moscow timezone
The conference is over. We would like to thank all participants for their attendance!

Modeling the motion of bright spot in jets from black holes M87* and SgrA*

6 Oct 2020, 17:25


Oral talk Gravitation and cosmology Gravitation and Cosmology


Prof. Vyacheslav Dokuchaev


It is described the motion of bright spot in jets from supermassive black holes M87 and SgrA viewed by a distant observer. It is supposed that the motion of this bright spot is ballistic. The trajectories of photons emitted by the bright spot and reaching a distant observer are calculated by using the Carter equations of motion for test particles in Kerr metric. We calculate the positions, forms and brightness as for the direct images of bright spot and also for the first and second light echoes in discrete times along the motion of bright spot in the jet.

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