5-9 October 2020
Europe/Moscow timezone
The conference is over. We would like to thank all participants for their attendance!

Charmonia Production in W -> c c Ds Decays

7 Oct 2020, 11:45
HEP Theory (Zoom)

HEP Theory


Oral talk HEP theory HEP theory


Dr. Alexey Luchinsky (Institute for High Energy Physics)


In the presented paper production of charmonium state $\mathcal{Q}$ in exclusive $W\to\mathcal{Q} D_s^{(*)}$ decays is analyzed in the framework of both leading order Nonrelativistic Quantum Chromodynamics (NRQCD) and light-cone expansion (LC) models. Analytical and numerical predictions for the branching fractions of these decays in both approaches are given. The typical value of the branching fractions is $\sim 10^{-11}$ and it turns out that the LC results are about 4 times lager than NRQCD ones, so the effect of internal quark should be taken into account. Some estimates of color-octet contributions are presented and it is shown, that these contributions could be comparable with color-singlet results.

Primary authors

Dr. Alexey Luchinsky (Institute for High Energy Physics) Dr. Anatoly Lihoded (Institute for High Energy Physics)

Presentation Materials

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