Preliminary results of the investigation of the properties of 7 clusters of galaxies from CfA2 redshift survey are discussed in the presented poster. Clusters 933, 142, 1046, and 1652, which have several pecularities of the spatial distributions of galaxies. Moreover, these objects have high-energy gamma associations on Fermi/LAT data (4FGL J1144.9 + 1937, 4FGL J0152.2 + 3714, 4FGL J1230.8 + 1223 and 4FGL J1653.8 + 3945. The investigation of the spatial distribution and other characteristics of 933, 1242, 88, 142, 1046, 1101 galaxy clusters shows gravitational lensing effect. Investigation of high-energy gamma-emission of galaxies and peculiarities of its motion in groups allows studying properties of such inhomogeneities and understanding of its nature possibly caused by dark matter. Moreover, common observations of such clusters by orbital gamma-ray telescopes with high angular resolution and ground-based Cherenkov air-shower experiments could possibly clarify the type of gravitational lenses.