This talk is devoted to study of isobar-analogue states 1$^-$ in triplet A=14: $^{14}$C-$^{14}$N-$^{14}$O. Previously signs of neutron halo in the 1$^-$, 6.09 MeV state of $^{14}$C were obtained by two independent groups. In this article we propose to study neighboring nuclei $^{14}$N and $^{14}$O using the Modified diffraction model (MDM) method and the method of Asymptotic normalization coefficients (ANC). Methods were applied to experimental differential cross sections of $^{14}$C(α,α)$^{14}$C scattering and reactions $^{13}$C($^3$He,d)$^{14}$N and $^{14}$N($^3$He,t)$^{14}$O. MDM and ANC gave practically similar within errors radii for the studied 1$^-$ states: the 6.09 MeV state in $^{14}$C – 2.7±0.1 fm, the 8.06 MeV state in $^{14}$N – 2.7 ± 0.1 fm, the 5.17 MeV state in $^{14}$O – 2.6 ± 0.2 fm. Moreover, the signs of proton halo in the 1$^-$ state of $^{14}$N were obtained.