Results of a comparative analysis of the 214Po (Т1/2= 163.47±0.03 mcs), 213Po (Т1/2= 3.705±0.001 mcs) and 212Po (Т1/2=294.09±0.07 ns) half-life annular variation parameters are presented.
It is shown that two independent sequential sets of the 214Po τ-values (τ ≡ Т1/2) obtained in the spaced laboratories can be described by sinusoidal functions. A sine function approximates a set of the 214Po τ-values with a time duration of ~973 days obtained at the BNO INR RUS has an amplitude A=(5.0±1.5)•10-4, a period ω= (365±8) days and a phase f=(170±7) days relative to the 1st January, 2012year. The function approximates a set of τ-values with a time duration of ~1460 days obtained at the KhNU has an amplitude A=(4.9±1.8)•10-4, a period ω= (377±13) days and a phase f=(77±10) days. The 213Po τ-value set with a time duration of ~1700 days can be described by a sinusoidal function with an amplitude A=(3.9±1.2)•10-4, a period ω= (370±13) days and a phase f=(130±9) days. The 212Po τ-value set with a time duration of ~670 days can be described by a sinusoidal function with an amplitude A= (7.5±1.6)•10-4, a period ω= (375±13) days and a phase f=(40±10) days.