5-9 October 2020
Europe/Moscow timezone
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Upgrade of the QA system in the BM@N experiment at the NICA

9 Oct 2020, 17:55
Heavy Ion (Zoom)

Heavy Ion


Oral talk Heavy Ion physics Heavy Ion Physics


Mr. Konstantin Mashitsin (Saint-Petersburg State University)


The BM@N (Baryonic Matter at the Nuclotron) is an experiment at the NICA (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility). The first physics runs were carried out with the collection of experimental data in 2018. For the physics analysis of events recorded by detectors of the BM@N the BmnRoot framework is used.It provides a powerful tools for detector performance studying, event simulation, data analysis and developing new algorithms that continually improve this environment [1, 2, 3].

The QA (Quality Assurance) system is used to evaluate the quality of the event reconstruction procedures and collected data. It displays the results of comparing the properties of the simulated events with the reconstructed ones.However, previous version of QA system was nonflexible because its output was just a set of PNG images. Result of QA system modernization by using JSROOT library is described in current report. After this upgrade histograms are displayed in web browser. User can zoom histograms, change scales, get value of bin by moving the cursor on it, etc. It also became possible to get sample mean and standard deviation for each histogram. Upgraded system is quite scalable, so it can easily be extended with new histograms.

At the moment, the modernized system is part of the BmnRoot framework. This work is supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research grant 18-02-40104 mega.We are also grateful to the Physics Educational Center of the Research Park of the Saint-Petersburg State University for support of educational projects related to the subject of the present study.

1) Roudnev V.A., Merts S.P., Nemnyugin S.A., Stepanova M.M. Machine learning based TOF charged particle identification at BM@N detector of NICA collider. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2020. v.1479, p.012043

2) Merts S.P., Nemnyugin S.A., Roudnev V.A., Stepanova M.M., Usov D.P. Hit finder and track reconstruction algorithms in the multi-wire proportional chambers of the BM@N experiment. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2019. v.2507, pp. 397-401

3) Merts S., Nemnyugin S., Roudnev V., Stepanova M. High-Performance Optimization of Algorithms Used in the BM@N Experiment of the NICA Project. EPJ web of conferences. 2020. v.226, p.03013

Primary authors

Mr. Andrei Driuk (Saint-Petersburg State University) Mr. Konstantin Mashitsin (Saint-Petersburg State University) Prof. Margarita Stepanova (Saint-Petersburg State University) Mr. Sergei Merts (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Prof. Sergei Nemnyugin (Saint-Petersburg State University) Mr. Vladimir Roudnev (SPbSU)

Presentation Materials

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