5-9 October 2020
Europe/Moscow timezone
The conference is over. We would like to thank all participants for their attendance!

Density dependence of pseudoscalar $D$ and $\bar D$ mass splitting

5 Oct 2020, 19:45
Poster Server (Discord)

Poster Server


Poster Heavy Ion physics Poster session


Rajesh Kumar (National Institute of Technology Jalandhar India)


We deduce the $D$-nucleon interactions from the even odd QCD sum rules. Unifying the chiral SU(3) model, we study the in-medium mass splitting between pseudoscalar $D$ and $\bar D$ meson in the hot and dense asymmetric nuclear matter. The medium modified quark and gluon condensates are evaluated from the chiral SU(3) model and further plugged into the even odd QCD sum rules to compute the in-medium mass of pseudoscalar $D$ meson. We find that the mass of both $D$ and $\bar D$ meson increase with the medium density. We calculate the $D$ meson mass in centroid approximation and compared it with the mass of $D^+(D^0)$ and $D^-(\bar D^0)$ meson. By plugging the in-medium mass of $D$ and $\bar D$ meson in the mass splitting formula, $\Delta m^*$(=$m_{D}^*$-$m_{\bar D}^*)$, we observe non-negligible splitting in the $D$ and $\bar D$ mass which increases appreciably as a function of nuclear density. The medium modified mass is further used to study the decay width of higher charmonia states decaying into $D \bar D$ pairs using $^3 P_0$ model

Primary authors

Rajesh Kumar (National Institute of Technology Jalandhar India) Dr. Arvind Kumar (Dr B R Ambedkar National INstitue of Technology Jalandhar India)

Presentation Materials

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