5-9 October 2020
Europe/Moscow timezone
The conference is over. We would like to thank all participants for their attendance!

∆φ distributions between final state particles as a criterion of the pile-up background mismodeling and its impact on Z(νν)γ process

5 Oct 2020, 19:45
Poster Server (Discord)

Poster Server


Poster High energy physics Poster session


Diana Pyatiizbyantseva (NRNU MEPhI)


In the case of the pile-up background (background from the neighboring interactions inside the bunch crossing) for Z(νν)γ process, its accurate calculation is very challenging.
If the impact of the pile-up background is negligible, as it is expected in the case of Z(νν)γ process selection, some global uncertainty from this source can be used.
This report studies the pile-up background and shows that it is expected to have totally different shape for ∆φ distributions between final state particles in comparison to the signal and other background processes.
Thus, the absence of ∆φ-mismodeling in the analysis proves that the pile-up background is indeed negligible.

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