The chiral imbalance defined as a difference between the numbers of RH and LH quarks may occur in the fireball after a heavy-ion collision at high energy. It can lead to the formation of a local parity breaking LPB in a quark-hadron medium and adiabatically characterized by a topological charge and, accordingly, a topological (chiral) chemical potential $\mu_5$. In the field theory, it can be...
In a large fraction of collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the colliding particles miss each other and collide with their electromagnetic fields. If the particles remain intact after such collision, the collision is called ultraperipheral (UPC). In the equivalent photons approximation, the electromagnetic field of an ultrarelativistic particle can be represented as a bunch of real...
The properties of the strongly intensive variable [1] characterizing correlations between the number of particles produced in two observation windows separated by a rapidity interval [2] in pp interactions at LHC energies are studied in the framework of the string fusion model [3]. The effects of the string fusion are taken into account by introducing a finite lattice (a grid) in the impact...
The present study explores the properties of strange quark matter (SQM) or strange quark star (SQS) within the Polyakov extended chiral $\text{SU(3)}$ quark mean field (PCQMF) model. Using $\beta$- equilibrium condition in the PCQMF model, the analysis of effective quark masses, effective quark chemical potential, and equation of state for strange quark matter at different values of vector...
We study the correlation between the fermion composite system and quark spins by using the light-cone quark-diquark model. We do the calculations for $u$-quark and $d$-quark in the fermion system by considering different polarization configrations of both. The contribution from scalar and axial-vector diquarks is taken into account. The overlap representation of light-front wavefunctions is...
The spectrum of spinless modes in a model with the 〖SU(2)〗_L×〖SU(2)〗_R symmetrical four-quark interaction proposed by Miransky, Tanabashi, and Yamawaki is studied. For the sake of simplicity, only four-fermion interactions of top and bottom quarks are considered. The spinless modes result from spontaneous electroweak interaction symmetry breaking and are coupled quark–antiquark states...
The MSSM Higgs sector extended by dimension-six operators $U^{(6)}$ [1], which are loop contributions in a Coleman-Weinberg-type potential, is considered. The presence of such additional contributions allows reopening phenomenological MSSM scenarios [2] closed in previous analyses.
In order to restrict corresponding parameter space, perturbative unitarity constraints must be satisfied.
The variants of quantum electrodynamics (QED) with spinors in fermion equations are briefly examined. In the new variants of the theory, there is no necessity in the concept of vacuum polarization. The new content of fermion vacuum (without the Dirac sea) in the examined QED variants leads to new physical consequences, part of which can be tested experimentally in the future.
In the framework of the quasipotential method in quantum electrodynamics, the energy interval (1S-2S) in muonic ions of lithium, beryllium and boron is calculated. We take into account corrections of fifth and sixth orders in fine structure constant, which are determined by relativistic effects, the effects of vacuum polarization, nuclear structure and recoil, as well as combined corrections...
The hyperfine structure of excited states of muonic molecules tdμ, tpμ and dpμ is calculated on the basis of stochastic variational method. The basis wave functions are taken in the Gaussian form. All matrix elements of the Hamiltonian are calculated analytically. For numerical calculation, a computer code is written in the MATLAB system. Numerical values of hyperfine splitting of excited...
The production cross section value of $D$ wave states of $B_c$ meson is estimated for LHC experiments. The observation perspectives of such states at LHC experiments are discussed.
We discuss $J/\psi\ \eta_c$ production in $e^+e^-$ annihilation at NLO. We are focusing at virtual $Z_0$ contribution into this process. Cross-sections behavior at high energies will be performed.
In the presented paper production of charmonium state $\mathcal{Q}$ in exclusive $W\to\mathcal{Q} D_s^{(*)}$ decays is analyzed in the framework of both leading order Nonrelativistic Quantum Chromodynamics (NRQCD) and light-cone expansion (LC) models. Analytical and numerical predictions for the branching fractions of these decays in both approaches are given. The typical value of the...
The contributions to the cross sections ${ t\bar{t} t\bar{t}}$ and $t\bar{t}b\bar{b}$ production at the LHC from color scalar octets (scalar gluons) $F_a$ predicted by the minimal model with four color quark-lepton symmetry are calculated.
From current LHC data on total cross section of $ t\bar{t}t\bar{t}$ and $t\bar{t}b\bar{b}$ production we found the mass limits on color scalar octets $F_a$.
The crucial phenomenological and experimental predictions for new physics are outlined, where the number of problems of the Standard Model (neutrino masses and oscillations, dark matter, baryon asymmetry of the Universe, strong CP-problem) could find their solutions.
The analogies between the Cosmological time evolution of the early universe and multiparticle production in high-energy...
Production of dijets with large rapidity separation at colliders in
modified logarithm approximations is considered.
The results for resummations of different type of logarithms:
soft-gluon, non-global and Sudakov ones are obtained.
The results for various dijet observables are confronted with LHC data.
The $\rho$ meson electromagnetic and gravitational form factors are studied based on a light-front constituent quark model which considers the $\rho$ meson as a bound state of a quark-antiquark pair. The generalized parton distriction functions (GPDs) are calculated. From the GPDs, the electromagnetic form factors, parton distributions as well as structure functions are given. Moreover, the...