5-9 October 2020
Europe/Moscow timezone
The conference is over. We would like to thank all participants for their attendance!

Scattering d-waves on distorted black holes

6 Oct 2020, 18:45


Oral talk Gravitation and cosmology Gravitation and Cosmology


Alexei Nurmagambetov


The recent developments in the GR waves interferometry require more relevant theoretical models of GR waves generation and propagation. Leaving apart of possible mechanisms of the spin-2 space-time perturbations production, we will consider the case of their subsequent propagation with possible scattering on another black holes. Specifically, we consider a generalization of the Regge-Wheeler equation for the case of distorted black holes (black holes in surrounded matter) in Minkowski and AdS spaces, the metric potential of which obeys the Liouville equation (T. Moskalets & A.J. Nurmagambetov Eur. Phys. J. C55 (2015) 551). The absorption cross-section is computed for spin-2 particles (the axial perturbations over the background metric) in the small black hole and long-wave approximations. The subsequent analysis of the problem results in finding the natural restriction for the maximum angular momentum of the scattering/absorbed waves and in establishing the spectrum of the absorbed frequencies in AdS$_{4}$ space. In sum up we find a good agreement of the established results with the early obtained (A.A. Starobinski & S.M. Churilov Sov. Phys. JETP 65 (1974) 1).

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