5-9 October 2020
Europe/Moscow timezone
The conference is over. We would like to thank all participants for their attendance!

Interactive, F(R) and other cosmological models, recent observational data and H_0 tension

8 Oct 2020, 18:55


Oral talk Gravitation and cosmology Gravitation and Cosmology


German Sharov (Tver state university)


Different cosmological scenarios are confronted with recent observational data, in particular, models with interaction of the dark components which are interpreted as scalar field with common potential, two models with bulk viscosity combined with power-law and logarithmic equations of states, F(R) models and other scenarios. The mentioned observations include the Pantheon catalog of Type Ia supernovae, the latest measurements of the Hubble parameter H(z) (cosmic chronometers), data from baryon acoustic oscillations and cosmic microwave background radiation. For these observations and some models we investigate possibilities to alleviate the Hubble constant tension problem.

Primary author

German Sharov (Tver state university)

Presentation Materials

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