5-9 October 2020
Europe/Moscow timezone
The conference is over. We would like to thank all participants for their attendance!

Quantum Simulation of Entangled Oscillating Neutrinos.

9 Oct 2020, 18:25
Neutrino (Zoom)



Oral talk Neutrino physics Neutrino Physics


Mr. Abhishek Kumar Jha (University of Hyderabad)


Two and three flavor oscillating neutrinos are shown to exhibit the properties bipartite and tripartite quantum entanglement respectively. The two and three flavour neutrinos are mapped to qubit states used in quantum information theory. Such quantum bits of the neutrino state can be encoded on a IBMQ computer using quantum computing as a tool. We construct a 3x3 PMNS (Pontecorvo-Maki-Nakagawa-Sakita) unitary gate by identifying the rotation matrix in two flavor neutrino oscillations as a U3 universal quantum gate. By preparing the time evolution operation gate we outline the simulation of neutrino oscillation on a quantum computer. We suggest the implications of the implementation of entanglement in the neutrino system on the IBM quantum processor.

Primary authors

Mr. Abhishek Kumar Jha (University of Hyderabad) Mr. Akshay Chatla (University of Hyderabad ) Prof. Bindu A. Bambah (University of Hyderabad)

Presentation Materials

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