5-9 October 2020
Europe/Moscow timezone
The conference is over. We would like to thank all participants for their attendance!

Simulation and analysis of the properties of linear structures in the mass distribution of nuclear reaction products by machine learning methods

8 Oct 2020, 11:30
Nuclear (Zoom)



Oral talk Nuclear physics Nuclear physics


Mikhail Rudenko (JINR)


The article is devoted to the analysis of manifestations of clustering in rare multibody decays of heavy nuclei. Together with physicists from the FLNR JINR, a computer model of the fine structure was developed, which they found on the basis of experiments with the transuranium element Californium. To test the hypothesis that the structure found is a meaningful, and is not a noise artifact, it was proposed to use a deep convolution network as a binary classifier trained on a large sample of model and noise images. Preliminary results of using the developed neuroclassifier show prospects of the proposed approach.

Primary author


Prof. Gennady Ososkov (JINR) Prof. Yuri Pyatkov (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)

Presentation Materials

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