Hadronic resonance production plays an important role both in elementary and in heavy-ion collisions.
In heavy-ion collisions, since the lifetimes of short-lived resonances are comparable with
the lifetime of the late hadronic phase, regeneration and rescattering effects become
important and resonance ratios to longer lived particles can be used to estimate
the time interval between the chemical and kinetic freeze-out.
The measurements in pp and p-Pb collisions constitute a reference for nuclear collisions
and provide information for tuning event generators inspired by Quantum Chromodynamics.
In this talk, we present recent results on short-lived hadronic resonances obtained
by the ALICE experiment at LHC energies. Results include system-size and collision-energy
evolution of transverse momentum spectra, yields and the ratios of resonance yields
to those of longer lived particles, and nuclear modification factors.
The results will be compared with model predictions and measurements at lower energies.