The recent results of the partial wave analysis of $J/\psi \to K^+K^-\pi^0$ reaction using $(223.7\pm1.4)\times 10^{6}$ $J/\psi$ decays collected by BESIII collaboration in 2009 will be presented. The high data quality and statistics of the BESIII experiment allowed revealing signals that had not been observed previously in $J/\psi$ decays. The reported results for $K^*(892)^\pm$ and $K^*_2(1430)^\pm$ parameters are currently the most precise. The $K^*_2(1980)^\pm$, $K^*_4(2045)^\pm$ resonances are reported for the first time in $J/\psi$ decays. Two resonance signals in the $K^+K^-$ channel are reported and their interpretation will be discussed. Results also include branching ratios for decays through these intermediate states and a high precision measurement of $Br(J/\psi \to K^+K^-\pi^0)$. The results are significantly different from those presented earlier by BESII and BABAR.