5-9 October 2020
Europe/Moscow timezone
The conference is over. We would like to thank all participants for their attendance!

Capabilities of gamma ray telescope GAMMA-400 for lateral aperture

5 Oct 2020, 18:00
Poster Server (Discord)

Poster Server


Poster Astroparticle physics Poster session


Anna Mikhailova (NRNU MEPHI)


The future γ-ray telescope GAMMA-400 will provide fundamentally new data on discrete sources and spectra of γ-ray emissions and electrons + positrons due to it's unique angular and energy resolution in wide energy range from 20 MeV up to several TeVs.The gamma-ray telescope consists of the anticoincidence system, the converter-tracker, the time-of-flight system, the position-sensitive and electromagnetic calorimeters (CC1 and CC2), the scintillation detectors of the calorimeter (S3 and S4) and lateral anticoincidence detectors of the calorimeter LD. To extend the capabilities of the instrument to measure Gamma-Ray bursts, Monte-Carlo simulations were performed for lateral aperture of the instrument. The second-level trigger based on signals from CC2, LD, S3, and S4 allows registering of Gamma Ray Bursts in the energy range ~10 -300 MeV with high effective area about 1m^2

Primary authors

Anna Mikhailova (NRNU MEPHI) Alexey Bakaldin (Scientific Research Institute of System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences) Prof. Arkady Galper Alexey Leonov (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)) Irina Chernysheva (NRNU MEPhI) Vladimir Mikhailov (NRNU MEPHI) Maxim Kheymits (NRNU MEPhI)

Presentation Materials

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