Results are presented on the identification of the unstable nuclei 8Be and 9B and the Hoyle state (HS) in the relativistic dissociation of the isotopes 9Be, 10B, 10C, 11C, 12C, and 16O in a nuclear track emulsion (NTE). The main motivation for the study is the prospect of using these unstable states in the search for more complex unstable states that decay with their participation. The...
The internal structure of the nucleon and the excitation spectra of protons and neutrons have been a central issue for many theoretical models and experiments of nuclear and particle physics since the beginning of the 1960's.
Up to now, most efforts have been devoted to studying proton excitation but, since the electromagnetic excitations are isospin dependent, also measurements of...
With reference to our 4G model of final unification, strong coupling constant and strong interaction charge of magnitude $e_s\cong 2.95e$, it is possible to understand the nuclear stability range with a simple power law of the form, $A_s\cong \left(Z+2.95\right)^{1.2\pm {0.015}}$. This can also be applied to super heavy elements and needs further study.
The phenomenon of flashes in the atmosphere is precessed by fast multiplication of electron avalanche in electric fields of about ~ 300 kV/m [1]. Strong increase of number of relativistic electrons ensures an energetic terrestrial gamma-ray bursts (bremsstrahlung photons created at slowing down of relativistic electrons), that leds to (g,n)-reactions on atmospheric isotopes: so, the cross...
The formation of the 10He states was studied in the reaction of stopped pion absorption 14С(pi-, p3He)X. Measurements were carried out using two-arm multilayer semiconductor spectrometer and “radioactive” target consisting of 76% 14С and 23% 12С. The contribution of uncontrolled impurities in the target was ≤ 1%. In order to determine the contribution of the 12C impurity measurements were...
The possibility of generating neutrons by irradiating deuterated crystal structures with an electron beam with an energy of 20-40 keV was investigated. Deuterated crystal structures of palladium and textured CVD diamond with different thickness were used as targets. Measurements of neutron emission are presented, which were carried out by three independent methods - scintillation detectors,...
Possible temporal variations of nucleus decay parameters studied extensively in the last years, their observation can be the signal of unknown physical effects. Earlier, several experiments reported the annual and daily decay rate oscillations in alpha and beta-decays of some nuclides of the order .05 % [1,2]. Also, correlation of Mn-54 weak decay rate with Sun activity, in particular,...